Sunday, June 30, 2013
10 April 2013 - Physio


After months of nagging pains on my left knee, I decided to finally go for physiotherapy sessions after I qualified as an AFT.

When I reached there, they basically did a normal physical assessment. It felt like Embarrassing Me 101. Apparently, I have horrible balance and stability and extremely tight calves, ITB, hamstring and quads. All these factors resulted in my runners knee condition, otherwise known as, left patellofemoral pain syndrome. 

Anyway, I was to do the stretches for muscles that were tight, which are those listed up there. And I had to do some tissue release on those muscle groups. The entire sessions was just weird, embarrassing and awkward. It even felt lame at one point. 

My idea of physiotherapy was like heavy lifting, running posture and some ultrasound, though I did one round of ultrasound treatment, which didnt help at all.

It's very lame. Although now the sessions are improved with a friendlier and prettier(I know, damn despo.) physiotherapist, the things to do are on the extremes. Either too easy to the point of embarrassment or too difficult that I look stupid being unable to perform the required task.

Hopefully it doesnt get worse. 


-Signing off- 

I'm still breathing;
1:06 AM

Wednesday, June 5, 2013
05 June 2013 - RASH OUTBREAK


Before I share this, I just want to clarify a few things. I have never been to A&E before. I never experienced any similar experiences like these before. So, I would overreact and exaggerate a little, so bear with me. 

I started having red patches on my arm on a Sunday night while using my computer. I didnt think much of it as I thought it was just skin irritation and I scratched it REAL HARD. After dinner, I realised my body started to itch EVEN MORE. It went all the way to the chest, stomach and the back. Before I knew it, I was red all over. 

I thought maybe a good night sleep would get the red-ness off me.  I went to bed after taking a quick shower. And to my ASTONISHMENT( TOLD YA.), I woke up to the itch getting worse and spreading all the way to my thighs and calves. It felt HORRIBLE.  The red patches were all over my body, making me look like a world map. And my actions were like a monkey, scratching all over. I was a world map looking monkey. (Okay that was lame.)

My dad, who drives night shift, was home and decided I should check it out at the hospital. And since it was free as I had an 11B ( First time I am glad I was a NSF.), I decided to do it. 

My dad drove his cab to KTPH A&E. The queue was LONG. I dont mean like Great Singapore Sale long, but if-there-was-an-emergency-the-guy-would-have-died kind of long. I waited for a while and it was finally my turn. The doctor gave a quick look at me and started scribbling away.

"Did you eat or touched anything out of the norm recently?"
"I ate stingray on friday night, does that count?"
"I dont know, maybe. Anyway, you are okay. You had an allergic reaction, it should subside in a few days. If it doesnt, come back again. We will see what we can do."

So, I waited for a jab (yes, it hurt.), and some meds and went back home. 

I texted a few of my superiors in airforce to tell them about my condition and my 3 days MC. Just to be responsible. ( I know damn shameless, thanks.)

Anyway, apparently, sweating is a way to cure this 'illness' as told by my dad. So to recover faster, I went into full crazy sports mode. I went running at weird timings ( or rather, anytime I felt like the itch was unbearable.) and playing basketball. Just to sweat. Weird I know.

But hey, by the end of the 2nd day, there was barely any patches of red. I guessed it worked.

Interesting experience. Not one I want to relive though. No stingray from now on ):

-Signing Off- 

I'm still breathing;
9:00 PM

05 June 2013 - QT


NO. I am not calling myself a CUTIE. QT means qualified technician. Basically, it means you are allowed to touch the aircraft now and go work your ass off over it. 

What a QT is allowed to do, is basically service the aircraft and sign for the various jobs you did. Which includes various types of servicing. I dont want to be caught for releasing restricted information, so let's just keep that a secret. 

I have always helped the seniors with their servicing, but never did we ever do it on our own and signed for the documentation of the job. The feeling was unreal and a little nerve wrecking. Not that I didn't know what to do, ( slightly, because I am not very knowledgeable but enough to get by) more like, I am afraid I missed out something or dont know things enough to do a good enough job for the pilots who are going to fly the aircraft. 

So on the first day, the seniors were just OVERJOYED to have someone to share that burden with. In a sense, also a priviledge to touch the aircraft, but lets save that for my ORD reflection. And being the absolutely the 'BEST' seniors they can be, they made us signed everything ( but only those that we did of course.) even those that they could sign for us. Basically, my batch was sharing our experience about how our signatures now are all over the documents and the nervousness of it. We were asking MILLIONS of questions during our servicing about anything suspicious and before we signed anything. 

I tried to help others out, as I could now sign for the jobs, by relieving some of the workload by helping out on certain areas of the aircraft. However, it made me forget about my job that day, which was refuelling. I got screwed pretty bad for it. But, that's not important YET. 

Anyway, I know it sounds easy, just pen your signature down for the job you did. But, in some way, people's lives are at stake. MILLIONS of dollars are at stake here. All the what-ifs going through our mind, like, "WHAT IF I NEVER SEE SOMETHING? AIRCRAFT CRASH. I DIE SIA." Basically, all the what ifs ended with the same conclusion, CRASH AND CONSEQUENCES. 

You will literally shrink in size. 

But we were just starting out, you couldnt blame us. This is not the type of pressure we were used to getting. 

Oh, before I forgot. I was scolded for not remembering my job scope and being a busybody on helping others. WHAT THE HECK?! It's wrong to help others. That's really the message you want to send to people in an organisation whose values include team excellence?! Someone else could have just helped me out. Helping one another, isnt that how it should be. Ridiculous.

All in all, it wasnt the most fun experience, but memorable nonetheless, especially now that I have qualified for a few months and aircraft servicing is like bread and butter to us now. 

NERVES OF STEEL. You really need that for this day. 

-Signing Off-  

I'm still breathing;
8:30 PM

05 June 2013 - AWT + NE TOUR


AWT stands for airworthiness test. In essence, it is just a test to see you are worthy enough to touch an aircraft. Being a airforce technician, I have to be worthy enough to touch the aircraft, in order to service it. In conclusion, I have to pass this damn test to be considered a airforce technician.

Let me first explain 2 things in the SAF. Firstly, when they say pass, they mean ACE it. Secondly, you get lots of help on a test, mostly in different forms. 

However, we had to attend a NE tour before the test. In the words of my batchmates, "CLOCK NS HOURS". Hence, our batch had to attend the slightly-boring-but-not-quite course. The instructor tried really hard to get our attention and she just couldnt do it. Not really her fault, more of ours. We are guys. It's hard for us to pay attention to 'lessons'. It's just not in our DNA. (Or maybe I'm alone on this.) 

We toured around Katong. And finally, we reached the highlight of the day. FOOD. We were introduced to Katong Laksa, the history of it (*YAWN*) and the history of the place itself. When she finally released us, we tried it. Me, being the suaku in any place you put me in, it was my first time trying it. And I have to say, it is nice. Slightly expensive, but nice. I think it was the curry or something, but it tasted good. 

The rest of the tour was just more history of Singapore, which we already did a lot of in PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOL. So, even more boring stuff for us. When all was said and done, everyone turned back to mugging for AWT. 

We arrived at the old place we called home, AFTC, and barged in like we owned the place. HAHA. 

The test was at the usual computer labs. When the test began, you could just hear a pin drop in the room. That serious. It wasnt VERY HARD, but difficult nonetheless. I hesitated a lot before deciding to submit my answers. 


The loudest sigh of relief I have ever heaved for something so unimportant. 

Basically, that marked the biggest step towards qualifying as a technician. It was just one interview away before qualifying. 

Life is like a cycle. Study. Tests. Study. Tests. In terms of schooling. Preparation. Challenges Preparation. Challenges. After schooling. 

-Signing Off-  

I'm still breathing;
8:15 PM

05 June 13 - Rainie Yang's Concert


So on 12 Jan 2013, I went for 杨丞林's 为爱启丞 concert. Basically, this was my first time going for a concert. Let me just say, I am not exactly the biggest Rainie fan you can find in the world, much less in Singapore. However, in my defense, I did, and still do, support her throughout her career. She was kind of cute and she was potrayed that way at least. Plus, I was finally earning my own salary, so I wanted to "indulge" myself. 

Well, and Yuhui managed to convince me to go, so why not? Haha. Plus, Rainie really improved her singing over the past few years. And I believed her live show was definitely worth the ticket price. ( $131 to be exact)

Anyway, I made my way to Expo and it started out pretty bad. I was supposed to be early, but the idiotic and myopic part of me caused me to take the wrong side of the circle line and let's just say the rest is history.

So I finally met up with Yuhui and went in. Quite honestly, I wasnt exactly feeling super excited or nervous about the whole thing. I felt like I was going to watch a movie, that was the kind of feeling I had. But it didnt last.

So when finally the curtains came down, and Rainie appeared on the stage. The feeling was surreal. It's like meeting someone you never thought you would ever meet in your entire life. I have only seen Rainie in videos or maybe on TV, but it wasnt exactly the same as seeing her in reality. Surreal is the best word I can come up with. 

Being the not very loyal Rainie 'fan', I didnt know the song she was singing. But it sounded nice. So I just listened throughout. Then I realised, she sounded very uncomfortable for some reason. 

After the song, she admitted, to my horror (slightly exaggerated), she wasnt feeling her best as she was down with flu and fever. You could tell that she wasnt herself. But being absolutely unbiased here, she still sounded damn nice. She started chatting a little with us in between songs, and the topics she chose were just WEIRD. 

I remembered she was talking about how her breasts increased in size everytime in Singapore, and because she couldnt sing as well, she would put in more emotion and show a little more cleavage. Yeah, those were the kind of things she was saying. HAHA.

Anyway, I do recognise most of the songs in the end. And then suddenly, she started doing stunts. 

(Let me first reinforce the fact that, she is actually down with FLU AND FEVER. And she wasnt those, dancing type of stars. She was kind of an act cute and singing type. So now let's go back to the stunts.)

She started with hanging on lines and coming down slowly while she sang. Followed by some fast paced dancing of basic hip hop while singing. (Okay, this wasnt really a stunt.) Then, a solo set of modern choreography. (Ditto.) And then, a video showed, about how she wasnt exactly happy as a singer, with all the fame and media attention she was getting, she couldnt live normally like we do. (Cant emphatise but sort of understand it.) Then, there was this phrase (obviously translated by me), "有人说,当你想哭的时候倒立,这样眼泪就不会流下来了." (If you ever feel like crying, do a handstand or make yourself upside down. That way, your tears would not fall.) And then *BAM*, she came out hanging upside down. And started singing one of her classics. Sick and all. Then, as it was coming to an end, as everyone could tell, she started telling us, "演唱会没有到最后一刻, 通通都不许走 "( No one is allowed to leave, until the finals seconds of the concert is over.) And the she sang her best song (in my humble opinion), 雨爱. 

When it was finally over, I was indeed starstruck. I mean, she didnt had to do ALL of that. She could have just done a few and still submitted the concert. But no, she did everything she had practiced to do. That's courage. That's determination. That's a showman or showwoman in this case. Basically, by the end of it, I was a fan. A big  one. Perhaps I am late by a few years, but so? As long as she keeps on singing, I am going to keep on supporting her. 

That's the Rainie I have supported for so long. With much

-Signing Off-

I'm still breathing;
7:55 PM

Welcome To My Life.
Greenwoodian of 1I and 2A to 6A ' 00-05.
I was a CHS 'gentleman' of 1-4,2-4,3-9 and 4-9' 06-09.
I am now a HC-ian of 10S74 and OG34.
I am in HC Floorball <3 .

Being Direct.
The Great Escape.
10S74 [HC]
Azilah [HC]
Cynthia [GWP]
Desmond Chan [CHS]
Hoi Yan [HC]
Hui Ern [GWP]
Jane [HC]
Jing Hui [GWP&HC]
Jonathan Voon [HC]
Joven [HC]
Jun Rong [CHS]
Justin Ong [HC]
Ngiap Seng [CHS&HC]
Roy Goh [CHS]
Wei Jie [CHS]
Yong Liang[CHS&HC]
Yuh Chyi [HC]
Zi Yan [HC]

Thanks For The Memories.
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
February 2012
March 2012
January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

Famous Last Words.
layout by bitterswt
others; * * * *