Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Hi peeps!

Tomorrow would be start of Prelims and as always, it begins with GP. Well, what better way to practice for GP then blogging right? Just kidding, I am just consoling myself. 

After scanning through all the GP stuff I have received, I got a little tired so I came here for a break. I received a message in the morning, which I have not found out how to reply yet. So I am just going to choose to ignore it until I find a way to. For now. 

Argh, Prelims are going to start yet I still dont feel that confident yet ): 
The real reason I came here was because of Mrs Toh's EMB. The one responding to our teacher's day card. I sort of felt a little nostalgic after reading it, like the flashback of all the times with her. Damn it. 

Sort of felt like an idiot wasting this 2 years. 

Under the best teacher ever in HC, I didn't make use of her well enough. Honestly, she was the best Math teacher I ever had. She's the only teacher that actually made me do my work without complaining. That's something. Now that I think back, I really hated myself for the fact that I didnt make use of the time we had with her. ARGHHH. Seriously, Mrs Toh was the only teacher that made me look forward to lessons in HC. 
Funny how I am listening to Stop And Stare while blogging this. 

All the best in whatever you do in future. Rem that you define your own happiness.
- Mrs Toh

She didnt just teach math. She taught us life. She taught us how to lead our lives, in the present and future. Honestly, I think I might be in J1 if not her. I can't stress how important she has been in my life and I daresay 10S74's life. I don't think anyone in our class hate her right? I hope so. Looking at the card that we gave, I suppose so. 

When suddenly, life passed so fast. A Div is over. Block Test 2 is over. Prelims are going to be over. Graduation would be coming up next. Before we know it, A levels would be over. 

To the greatest teacher ever, Mrs Toh,
Thank you. You made me a better person. I truly believe that. 

Stop and stare. I think I'm moving but I go nowhere.

That's all for today,
See Ya!~

I'm still breathing;
3:08 PM

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I don't live for YOU.

Hi peeps!

Argh Prelims are so close yet the only thing then comes to my mind is basketball. Somehow I am pretty excited for Past Vs. Present (PvP), in hope for some fun which I wont get to enjoy a lot. Hopefully, the team I am in will be able to pull out a few wins. 

"I am sure that's what 18 year olds do."

Perhaps you might recognise it, perhaps you might not. But either case, I gave this statement some thought. When I first heard it, I was pretty annoyed by the fact that once again, the person was calling me childish. Then, I thought about it, I wasn't 18 yet anyway. And in about 5 minutes, I took it as a compliment.

If having fun is not what 18 year olds do, then god damn it, I rather not be one. If I can't act like myself and enjoy my own life just to be 18, I rather pass. And if that's not what 18 year olds do, it just means one thing: I am unique. At least, I am not just another brick in the wall. (Ms Yan would be so proud of this statement HAHAHA.) I used to try and follow the lifestyles of others, to ensure that I was not on the wrong track. Now, I have sort of grown out of it. I would rather have my own life of balance between work and fun. And I am pretty sure that maturity does not mean being unable to have fun in our own way. So thank you. 

By the way, if you judge people when you dont even know the person, you're headed for trouble. Good luck with life I would say.

I have learnt to keep my mouth shut about opinions of people that I am not really sure about. Until I have some experiences with the person of course, because having been a victim of judgement and opinions made me realised how bad it feels to be judged. Yet at the same time, when everything finally reveals itself, I am proud to say, " Rumours don't stand the test of time, but true character does."

I think it's time I let go of some bullshit that has happened to me in the past. Because somehow, it's affecting the way I handle things recently, AND THAT'S BAD. 

As everything draws to an end, like the last day of school on 26/8/2011. Here are some of my thoughts in my class.

We are seperated by the differences that don't exist. We are united just because it's required. 

When we start naming each other terms like muggers, looking at our class, everyone is one. I am not saying that because everyone started mugging for A's. I am saying that because it's true. Everyone in 10S74 is a mugger. So why harp on the fact that others are too hardworking for you? Deep down inside, everyone studies hard.

Why discriminate for looks? Are you that perfect? Did they choose to be this way? No. I am sure if they had a choice, they won't, but they have to stick with it for the rest of their life. Yet, we discriminate for that. I may joke about that at times, but I truly know that isn't a cause for hate and despise. Once again before judging, how about taking a good look at your ********? Not so perfect too huh?

Why avoid just beacuse they like to have fun? We have different ways of having fun, just because you don't like it, doesn't mean you have to blast it right at the person. True, it does get out of hand at times, but don't make yourself sound like a saint and criticize. The world could do with more encouragement instead of criticism. I am pretty sure of it. 

So at the end of the day, everyone was just as childish, hardworking and ugly. 

If you are offended or don't like it, I am sorry. These are just opinions from my experiences, you may have looked at it from a different point of view, but you can't deny there is some truth within those words.

All in all, a memorable experience, yet not one I want to relive. 

As the time ticks, I flash-backed to all the memorable times. Only to find, none at all.

That's all for today,
See Ya.

I'm still breathing;
11:24 PM

Friday, August 12, 2011


Hello peeps!

Long time since I last blogged, but well, time is something that I am truly lacking right now. It's so damn close to A levels and I am not even sure whether I know all the concepts that are required to take the test, much less all the content. ._. 

Well, seeing as I waste my time doing crap that are hardly useful, that is pretty much expected of me. Not that I dont want to do well or I lack the incentive to do well, it's just, when you get pretty sick of many things around you and many things don't exactly go your way, imaginary stress build up and you need an outlet. This usually comes in the form of computer games, videos or basketball. None of which actually uses little time. So one thing leads to another and I end up just trying to rush out whatever work that is needed for the next day without revising any subjects. 

Bottom line is: I am screwed.

I don't want any regrets collecting my A level certificate next year.  That's enough an incentive for me to want to do well, but I don't know, things don't always go your way. 

Honestly, I can't wait for A levels to end but I don't want it to start. Contradicting? I know. Who doesn't want to get A levels over and done with? But yet, who daresay they can walk into the examination hall with full confidence of getting an 'A' now. Well, maybe Paxton, Joven etc.... oh well, forget what I just said. Many can. I can't though. 

Friends. What the hell does that word really mean anyway? I knew it at secondary 4. But HC redefined it. So I don't really know exactly how things work in friendships nowadays. Experiences in HC turned my life 180 degrees and I am still trying to cope with it. Who actually really bothers about how I feel day in and day out? Who actually really care about my life? Frankly, I am not even sure now. Darn it. ._.

Seems like I never seem to blog in a happy mood. Maybe I will. In the near future. Or maybe I will never do that. Who knows? 

Thanks to Kwang for accompanying me to study in the reading room, you've no idea how grateful I am to you. Thanks to Jason and Keying for letting me join you two to study at AMK library, you made me realised how screwed I was and how much harder I needed to work. Thanks to Ryan, for always being there, to slap me and wake me up. Thanks to Joseph for always encouraging me via tagboard, letting me know that at least someone bothers about my emotions and everything. I know you all are just friends helping me, but as someone once closed to me said, I dont want to take you all for granted. 

Talking about that. TF, I am sorry. It's my fault that we ended up on total opposite ends. I never wanted to this to happen, but somehow it did. I realised, it has been a while, since we last said hello to each other. Please, really, please, dont blame yourself for it. If it's anyone's fault, it's mine, I just can't get over certain things. No I am not avoiding you either. If you read this, please understand that, no matter what happens, I have a pair of ears for whatever bullshit you want to rant on me (: 

At least I know 1 thing for sure, it takes two hands to clap in a friendship. So for those that has been rather 1 sided with me doing all the 'work', I gave up. 

Somehow Avril's When You're Gone sounds very nice. It doesn't actually applies to my life now, but it just addictive all of a sudden. 

When you walk away, I count the steps that you take.

Oh well.... 

Friends. 7 letter word. How complicated can it get? You have NOOO IDEAAAA. 

That's all for today,
See Ya.

I'm still breathing;
8:40 PM

Welcome To My Life.
Greenwoodian of 1I and 2A to 6A ' 00-05.
I was a CHS 'gentleman' of 1-4,2-4,3-9 and 4-9' 06-09.
I am now a HC-ian of 10S74 and OG34.
I am in HC Floorball <3 .

Being Direct.
The Great Escape.
10S74 [HC]
Azilah [HC]
Cynthia [GWP]
Desmond Chan [CHS]
Hoi Yan [HC]
Hui Ern [GWP]
Jane [HC]
Jing Hui [GWP&HC]
Jonathan Voon [HC]
Joven [HC]
Jun Rong [CHS]
Justin Ong [HC]
Ngiap Seng [CHS&HC]
Roy Goh [CHS]
Wei Jie [CHS]
Yong Liang[CHS&HC]
Yuh Chyi [HC]
Zi Yan [HC]

Thanks For The Memories.
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
February 2012
March 2012
January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

Famous Last Words.
layout by bitterswt
others; * * * *