Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year Countdown at 2!

Hello peeps! (:

Josephhhhh, seeee, I promised to blog. :D

The year is coming to an end!! Which means school is starting soon too. AHHH D:

Looking at the pile of unfinished homework, I am most probably screwed when school re-opens. I won't be around to blog during the new year itself so I might as well do those reflection of the year and hoping for the better now. HAHA.

First time doing a Countdown outside (yes I know, damn sua-ku), but I think I will enjoy it, though I relinquish the fact that I will be losing a lot of money due to mahjong before counting down..... HAHA.

Well, I did a lot of stupid things this year, yet, still managed to scrape through J1, though barely. I still managed to secure a position in my CCA. Most importantly, I managed to make new friends and maintain friendships that are close to me. I suppose, sometimes, it's just fate. Whether you are meant to be with someone as a friend/stranger/lover, it will happen in the end. So I have to say, I have a lot of fate with my Sec 4 clique~

Let's hope next year will not have any disasters, especially academically wise. No more being back-stabbed. No more letdowns in my CCA. No more feeling lonely. *cross fingers*

Sephhhh, I know you are reading this, I hope you did well for your re-test! I hope for the best for you (:

So much for a fun year of 2010.

Let's look forward from now on.

Put one foot in front of the other, the next thing you know, you are running.

Hope you guys enjoy your last days of the year! (:

Thinking about us, what we gonna be. I realised, it was only just a dream. [Just A Dream - Nelly]

That's all for today,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
1:02 PM

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Holiday Season~

Hi peeps!

Apparently, someone said I have not been updating my blog and it is 'dead'. So here I am! (:

Christmas Day is coming! Sadly, that also mean, the year is coming to an end and J2 is about start D:

But anyway, KT invited me and Jason to go to his house for christmas for presents, although he told me that it's okay if I don't get his presents, but I think better get something for him ba, feel bad receiving presents for no reason >< So, JASON SEOW, if you see this, come msn me to arrange a day to go his house~

Oh, right. We finally gotten a coach before year begun. But it's kind of messy and everything now. Apparently, we have to find another day other than weekdays from 4.30 - 6.30 to fit another training day in. ._. And pax is actually suggesting a 7-9pm training at an external venue. I am actually fine with breaking the school rules( CCAs are not allowed to held further than 7pm) for training, but I would be reaching home at 10 plus and only sleeping around 11 plus or so. Like what the hell?!

The new coach is pretty strict and very demanding, which is actually what our guys needed anyway, a rude wake up call. He is great and everything, the stuff he teach are really stuff that are important for A Divs. But. I have some mixed feelings towards him. He isn't very nice to feedback ._. And doesn't understand us well enough. :/ Oh well, as long as it helps us win, I suppose I shouldn't be complaining much, but I can't see how training will be fun anymore seeing that it is pretty physical and tough. ( My thighs are still aching -.-)

Sian. I and I is staring at me still. I know I am still supposed to do it, but TF, I dont want to do. It's so boring ): Haiz.

Because there are always friends there for me, so I should not let myself feel lonely. Never.

That's all for today
See Ya~

I'm still breathing;
6:52 PM

Monday, December 13, 2010


Hi peeps!

No, this blog is not dead yet. I am just lazy. :P

Being caught up with all the activities in life, sometimes, you really need to just slow down and reflect abit. Reflect about our actions and our desires. I sound too philosophical, but nevermind that.

This would most probably be the last holiday I can enjoy as a 17-year old. ._.

I think Coach Chai put it best: "You're rushing through an vast city, going through street by street, believing that there's so much more to see. Until you turn the corner and find yourself already at the outskirts; never having really explored the place, and now unable to go back. How time plays us out"

How time flies.

It was only last year when I just finished O's and prepared to enter J1 to enjoy my life as a year one before rushing my work in J2.

Well, I still haven't got used to JC life yet and I didn't get to enjoy much of J1. Still, life has been kind to me I suppose. Despite so many silly mistakes, it led me to a home in HC Floorball, a place where I can seek refuge in whenever I am down. It led to a few close friends and even taught me how to treasure my Sec 4 Clique.

I suppose I would never love my life. But, I think there are people and things out there that will at least keep me from being down.

I am getting kind of annoyed with my dad already. He is starting to get into this 'fortune-telling' business abit too much. Putting too much in store of it. None of it make sense. Because life is full of surprises and shocks. It is never possible to predict life. You can only predict consequences.

Haiz, I am bored at home. Not that I have nothing to do, I can see the stack of holiday homework that I left on the shelf, too lazy to touch. Nothing meaningful to do, perhaps I should dancing for fun again? Aimless-ness in life does feel pretty bad I suppose.

How much more can I take of this before I break? Will this overcast fade or be the last I see the sun today? [Tyler Ward + Eppic - Home]

That's all for today,
Enjoy the holidays,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
12:28 PM

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wake Up.

Hi peeps!

I just woke up. Ironic enough that's the title. But, no, it does refer to me just waking up.

Yesterday's training was disastrous. It was unplanned and everything was just messy and all over the place. But still, the reason why it was disastrous was not really because of it being messy. It was more of, jokers and idiots who are never serious. I admit, I am not really the best Exco member, neither am I a good role model nor example. BUT, at the end of the day, I am still one of them. So when it comes to serious business, I don't like to see idiots fooling around. I hate it when people are never serious all the time, always joking around.

Wake up.

You think I am not fit to be Exco? How about trying it yourself? You think is just authority and using it? Dream on. If you have no idea, how much we have individually given to the CCA and the amount admin work we have done for you guys, then, shut up. Don't go around saying stuff that is plain retarded. Just because, you can't see what we do and we don't publicise what we've done for you all doesn't mean then we have done nothing. So stop thinking and acting like you know everything, it makes me sick.


Went to Shane's house for 2k10 before leaving for national team trial. No, it was nothing amazing to be in a trial, but the players there were. It was a eye-opener for me. I thought I stood a chance against some of the elite players, but, that was just wishful thinking of my part. ._. Time to buck up.

In any case, if the team continues to proceed the way it is now, we are screwed for A divs. Forget about top 4 and all the rubbish aims we have set. I think it will be sort of top 2, from the bottom. With people not even serious, I think Matt put it the best, "If you dont want to be serious, then don't come. But don't expect yourself to playing for A Div."

Wake up guys, wake up. Playtime, is long over.

This is the real deal. We are sub-standard and not even close. So guys, wake up, before your lack of attitude comes back to bite you.

That's all for today,
See Ya

I'm still breathing;
1:23 PM

Welcome To My Life.
Greenwoodian of 1I and 2A to 6A ' 00-05.
I was a CHS 'gentleman' of 1-4,2-4,3-9 and 4-9' 06-09.
I am now a HC-ian of 10S74 and OG34.
I am in HC Floorball <3 .

Being Direct.
The Great Escape.
10S74 [HC]
Azilah [HC]
Cynthia [GWP]
Desmond Chan [CHS]
Hoi Yan [HC]
Hui Ern [GWP]
Jane [HC]
Jing Hui [GWP&HC]
Jonathan Voon [HC]
Joven [HC]
Jun Rong [CHS]
Justin Ong [HC]
Ngiap Seng [CHS&HC]
Roy Goh [CHS]
Wei Jie [CHS]
Yong Liang[CHS&HC]
Yuh Chyi [HC]
Zi Yan [HC]

Thanks For The Memories.
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
February 2012
March 2012
January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

Famous Last Words.
layout by bitterswt
others; * * * *