Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dead. Tired.

Hello people!!!

I came back from Bike Hike 2010 AND Basketball with Secondary 4 Clique. And mind you, I am not in the right state of mind anymore. So yea.... But then, updates of the event of course!

Bike Hike was a pain in the butt. Like literally, sitting on a bike for 8 hours is just not comfortable. Haha, anyway, cycled around Singapore, covering a distance of 80KM! LIKE OMG. I am amazed at the distance. Haha. There were like upslopes at very part of the course but the downslopes after it were just more than welcomed.

"Rain comes after *coughs coughs* I mean rainbow comes after the rain"

"There's always the light at the end of the tunnel"

Yeah, those stuff kept us throughout the course. And of course, the adrenaline rush of the downslope was also one of the factors. But then, there are also other stuffs too (:

Like, making up stories to kill off people from our OG a.k.a Dragon Clan to fit the story of Final Destination. But, seriously, it was so like the scenario. We were on the road with many dangerous ways of dieing, which is SOOOO alike Final Destination. Wet puddles, stationary cars and inexperienced riders. HAHA. Many ways to die. But hey, we made it alive :D

Anyway, KTV sessions on the bike works wonders too. Choose your favourites and start singing loudly with or to your friends. It keeps you high and awake at least. But, the volume must be loud. And key is not a main factor here anymore. HAHA. I can totally imagine the faces of those people who heard our 'singing' HAHA. Must be totally disgusted.

AND the Legendary Devil's Turn woke us up too! HAHA. The turns in it explains a lot why so many people died there. But then again, we are still alive :D

Yeah, with all these, we made it. All the way to the end. Took a photo, sign some stuff and got the tags to show our worth and our effort has paid off. Well, everyone was tired except for me. Or rather, I COULDNT be tired since I am going to meet for basketball later.

Well, which I did.

The number of people that came was a surprise. 10. That's a lot. Haha.

Anyway, played against the 'uncles' for awhile to have some feel of a official full court game. Then, against others. Where, tension was high and where fights almost broke out.

And when I stepped out of the game myself after being too aggressive and violent. People actually asked me why and thought it was those injuries and scars I sustained. But they never realised it's to step back to prevent quarrels. Yet, these exact people came running their mouth saying that they are not afraid of trouble. Haiz, people just never learn.....

Isn't better to make a friend to make a foe?

Well, logic says yes but they defy logic then.

Haiz, not my problem to care since they are not really part of my life anyway. Oh well, I am only going to care about people who matter from now on.

Okayy, Miss Pig is chasing me to sleep now. So yeah... I shall stop here to get a good rest which all my friends have been asking me to. Let's hope I dont oversleep for PW tomorrow. Sincere apologies if I do.

Alright, that's all for today,
Rest well and stay strong people,
See YA~

I'm still breathing;
9:13 PM

Friday, May 28, 2010

I do exist.

Hello people! (:

It has been a while since that smiley face is up there again. HAHA. I just had a SUPER LOOOONNNGGGGGG day today. So yeah, explains why I am blogging at this time. HAHA.

School was generally okayyy if not for me not feeling well in the middle of school. Retarded. Lucky I recovered fast enough for training.

Anyway, P.E. was retarded. I didn't get to play properly at all. So much for basketball being my thing, so much for it being my 2nd or 3rd home and so much for enjoying the game. Oh well, official gold for NAPFA :DDD

Haha, after school was training. Well, back to basics seems pretty interesting to me for some reason. But the team still needs so much brushing up. Anyway, the J1s are bonding and I am happy about it! :D We finally went for dinner together after so long. Haha. First step towards team bonding. (:

Since I am happy now, I should start infecting those people that are sad around me who are reading my blog.

Aye, it's true that things have become busy and some people (specifically someone :o) are having less and less time. But, that's not going to change anything from me (: Don't worry, if you want to count on me, you still can, for I will always be here, waiting to pick you up whenever you fall :) Life is unpredictable, so cherish whatever you have now.

Yesterday was history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, called the present.

Be glad to be alive every single day. Cherish every moment.

Anyway, Bike Hike tomorrow. Tiring. AND basketball with Sec4 clique after bike hike. WOO~ Pushing my limits. HEHE. Let's see what I can do. HAHA.

Alright, keep faith, especially *points at you who is reading*,
Stay strong eh!
That's all for today,
See YA~

I'm still breathing;
12:34 AM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Enlightenment, to do it my way

Hello people! (:

I was reading my good friend from CHS, Joseph's blog. I felt so enlightened all of a sudden. I came to a conclusion : Live life your own way as long as it does not affect other negatively.

Well, it makes me more determined on letting go of everything that has been bugging me for so long. In some way, I gave my all in my own way and did everything in my life in my own style. If people don't like it, there's nothing I can do about it. Since I don't live to please everyone, I am not going to bother about it. Thanks Joseph! (:

Anyway, term 2 is coming to an end. That's very fast. ._. OMG. In a month's time, BLOCKS. In less than half a year, promos! GAHHH. I better not retain :/

Oh, PE and training tomorrow. Just what I needed after injuring my right wrist, head, right shoulder, left ankle and left knee. WOOHOO. Pushing myself to the limits tomorrow. Let's do this. HAHA. Well, at least I am sure I will be able to enjoy it.

Back to today.

Super tired from rushing out a EOM for PW yesterday night which resulted in a sleep-deprived me and me becoming a panda.

How tired was I? Basically, I slept through PW today. Like, never listen to anything, just sleep. Two periods. To make it worse, I freaking drooled! OMGGGG. Gahh, someone said it makes a drooling panda ._. BLEAH

Then, early release from Chemistry Tutorial today, resulted in BOREDOM. Like totally lost on what to do. End up playing Yong Liang's iPhone and talking to Kai Rou at amphi. It took me awhile before I could drag my body to the bus stop.


Ahhh, then, end up home around 8. And oh, there's no homework today, so sleeping after this. YAY!!! HAHA. I am just tired I suppose. HAHA

Alright, time for bed,
Rest well people,
See Ya~

I'm still breathing;
10:09 PM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Too much to do, too much to

say, too little time

Hello people!

I've got too much to say yet too little time due to the fact that I have too many stuff to do. Hence, it's a song of the day again! HAHA.

想大声 的呐喊

你冷淡 你让分手 就这样

一年过了 还是一天

夜深了 我怎么办
寂寞了 谁在身旁
想她 念她 恨她

一个人 你害怕吗
细数过 漫天星光
多假 多假 多假

心放空了 寂寞好了

我脆弱 情人节开始失常
别人庆祝 我却很失落

秋天过了 冬天漫长

夜深了 我怎么办
寂寞了 谁在身旁
想她 念她 恨她

一个人 你害怕吗
多假 多假 多假
心放空了 寂寞好了

寂寞 感冒 全都可以好的
爱多甜 伤多痛 都释放

夜深了 我怎么办
寂寞了 谁在身旁
想她 念她 恨她

一个人 你 害怕吗
细数过 漫天 星光
多假 多假 多假

心 放空了
寂寞 好了

<<寂寞 好了>> -蔡旻佑

Alright, that's all for today,
I will stay strong, I promise
See Ya

I'm still breathing;
10:10 PM

Monday, May 24, 2010

Little things that should matter

or not

Hi people!

Today seems to be a day of enlightenment to me. Perhaps because a talk with a friend had sort of 'educated' me about so much stuff that had bothered once in a while. Well, not that it changed much in the end, but again, I will just live through it.

Anyway, tried to wake up early today to collect a present. HAHA, Hoi Yan, you're full of surprises.  However, failed to but still got my present anyway. Coco Crunch Breakfast! THANKS HOI YANNNN!!! :D

Then, was sex education regarding abortion. Well, I didnt really bother much about it, just entertained myself with the guy's jokes. I didn't really bother because, it's not going to change the way i view it, so I just decided to skip it. I mean, either way, a life is a life, no point trying to hide from the fact that you destroyed a life. No point finding excuses for the inhuman decision made. Without even giving this life a chance to speak for its own, I dont really think it's fair. Well, this is my own opinion so... yeah....

The rest of the school days was just normal. Like plain, normal. I dont know, just uninteresting to me.

Anyway, for those who thought I changed, yeah, I did, but thanks for reminding me of what I might become. I will keep myself in check. Thanks for the concern that was given. I appreciated it (:

I was about to end it when I saw the title of the post. Right.

I don't really like the fact that I get myself caught in thoughts that I shouldn't care about. I mean like, whether you judge me in that way or not, it's really, not my problem. I will just keep on living it my way. But then, I just feel if you don't know me well enough, don't act as though you do  I am just saying things generally, not specifically. I am weird and complex. Yeah, I admit that. But then, it's my way of life. 

Sometimes, little quotes do mean a lot. I was encouraging Jonathan when I remembered a quote which I couldn't remember in detail. But I found it in the end. It's kind of cool I think. 

So here it is : People who matter don't care; People who care don't matter 

I would keep this in mind. 

Perhaps I'm turning back into the direct freak I used to be. *checked and taken note of*

My Code Of Life. I will take note of that, that, that and that. That means something. Even if it doesn't to you. >.<

I shall try to remind myself of all the small things that matter and those that shouldn't (: 

Alright, stay strong and keep faith,
That's all for today,
See Ya!

I'm still breathing;
8:53 PM

Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's not supposed to

be like that.

Hello people!

What can I say? Today is a really like a roller coaster ride to me. Not that people around me physically could tell. Not if they even noticed my existence then that is.

Anyway, there was training today but I feel super retarded talking about it.

I left house at around 6 a.m. thinking that I would be on time. I happily board the bus to the interchange thinking I would be on time for training. Of course, a better warm up for the match with Blast. However, upon reaching the interchange, I realised I left my floorball stick AT HOME! Hence, I had to take the bus back home and get my stick. Thank goodness my dad was awake to open the door for me. Then, I had to board the bus AGAIN to the interchange. And yes, if you haven't guessed it yet, I WAS LATE.

When I finally reached, they were doing passing-receiving drills so I just joined in quickly. It was 8 and usually the badminton people would have come by then, but this time, they weren't there. So I was thinking, "Great, a nice location to train today!" So, we went on to shooting drills and all. Just as we were about to start the match, the badminton people strolled in. I went like, OMG. So yes, they booked the court so we just packed our stuff and made our way to central plaza for training.

Well, in the end, we settled for a 3-on-3 mini floorball game. I didn't get a good look as usual. Darn it. Oh well, it was enjoyable until it started raining! Then, our game transformed from floorball to ICE HOCKEY as the floor was REALLY WET. Haha, played for a while before it was really getting out of hand and we had to stop.

Then, I met Thuan Seng and Hazel for Bike Hike's briefing. I'm sort of regretting the decision of joining Bike Hike as it seems so dangerous and, I dont really feel attached to my OG that much anymore. Oh well, then I met one of my best friends back in CHS. ICE MAN WEI KIT :DDDD Haha, it was really cool to see you there bro! (:

Anyway, this is an outburst of emotions: I feel disposable all of a sudden. It's like, after I helped someone, he/she would be grateful for a while then, I would suddenly turn transparent and non-existent. That feeling really sucks! Its like I feel so useless and simply replaceable/disposable. GAHH. Thanks a lot. After so much help I've given you, I get this in return. Thanks.

Oh well, many thanks to my friends who sort of cheer me up? Haha, okayy, maybe I just feel happier generally just by being around them. HAHA. But then again, that's what make them special. (: Sometimes, little things matters to me. Perhaps, a lot more than it seems.

Hehe, I want to end it nicely.

But then, this is not really a quote seeing that it's pretty common. I know! I will come up with a new one. HAHA

Sometimes, it's those periods when little things from special people changes you so much. That's when you know how much or how little they mean to you. (:

Alright, that's all for today,
I keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow
See YA!

I'm still breathing;
10:57 PM

Thursday, May 20, 2010

A day of nothing-ness

Hello people!

I have no inspiration today! That's bad. HAHA, so this is going to be a short post.

But well, at least, today was an enjoyable day.

This morning, I went to the int with the intention of sleeping on bus. And to my BIGGEST SURPRISE, I saw buddyyy!! HAHA. Apparently, buddy was running late for school so she decided to take bus 961. So we got to go to school together. HAHA. But then, she had work to do, so to not disturb her, I kept myself awake for the whole bus ride. So I am kind of tired now. HAHA.

But I think we were pretty idiotic seeing that we took the squeezy bus to not be late when in the end it rained, hence, cancelling morning assembly. Waste our effort squeezing on the seats. HAHA.

School was boring. And guess what? SO WAS TRAINING! OMG.

It was so boring today. Haiz, perhaps cause it rained halfway through the game. Perhaps because there are so many people that needs to improve and train harder in our team. But yeah, today's training was totally zzz. Luckily, it ended early, if not, I cannot imagine what might happen. Oh well...

After that, saw Kwang Ming and chat with him regarding the team and how it needs to improve more. :/

Then, Kai Rou came to find me and chat with me until buddy called me to ask me go meet her at bus stop. HAHA.

Well, to put it simply, our bus rides are either to sleep or to talk and laugh luh... So it was the latter this time. HAHA. I dont even know how come we can talk so much. Like, can never feel awkward one lehhhh.... alright, I give up, I am just trying to make the post longer.

Saturday is match WITH (note: not against) Blast. Hmm..... sounds interesting and something to look forward to.  HAHA.

I promise to blog more interesting stuff soon ._. Sorry about today's BORING POST!!!

Alright, that's all for today,
To everyone, JIAYOU! (:
See Ya~

I'm still breathing;
10:56 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So little things, So much


Hello people!

I am supposed to be doing PW now, but oh well.... I am gonna forsake my sleep for my loyal readers of my blog! HAHAHA. Okay, you caught me, I am bored. :P

I am down for Biology remedial! Haha, no surprise there seeing I am last in class. But surprisingly, I am not down for Chemistry despite my horrible results. Perhaps because I finally paid attention in Chemistry Lecture after a loooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg time. :P

Anyway, school was boring today. I mean it. Haha, but then, the way I am doing work is not going to help me for blocks. I better buck up. BAH.

BAH. My senior's , Justin, favourite word. I miss the floorball seniors. ): I was doing work with Justin, Matthew and Sarah in some random classroom today. Not really efficient but at least I finished my Chemistry before I went home. It was fun to get to talk to him again. Justin, thanks for calling me to entertain me <3

Floorball trainings are fun. No way anything is going to change that. But then again, the way we are playing in our own matches in the Kah Kee Hall is really as though we didn't train at all. It's exactly like the term 'Kampung/Kampong'. Haiz, we need to get better. Let's see how it turns out tomorrow. Oh, I have chemistry make-up until 4.30 so I will be late for training. Damn it.

If the seniors were there, the game would be so much different and more enjoyable as the tactics can be used properly. And, it would so much more fun with them to talk to. If becoming a keeper again can get them back, I will. I mean it. I really miss them ):

Justin Ong. Derek Lim. Licheng. Yu Bin. Daryl Ho. Samuel Pang. Damien Lim. Bing Heng. Kevin Ishak. Lok Binhao. Alan Ng. Soong Hei. Paxton Chia. John Hendrick. Matthew Lim. Daniel Ong. Yin Hong. Zong Xian. One Team. One Squad. One Group. Brothers. Forever.

Let's hope our batch of J1s can create such a strong bond too. I shall keep my fingers crossed for it. As I always said, keep faith. <3

Alright, that's all for today,
See Ya~

I'm still breathing;
9:22 PM

Monday, May 17, 2010

I'm Tired; I mean it

Hello people!

So much has happened and going to happen. I'm tired. I need a break from life! ):

School was absolutely BORING! So I am going to skip it.

Elections for Floorball EXCO coming up... I am not putting too much hope on it. Not since Fac Comm....

Maths lecture test tomorrow. And I am still signing up for Famine Camp! I am most probably going to regret this later. Oh, pig decided to scrape the thing, so I am not going anymore! ): On the bright side, no more starvation. (:

Anyway, I do cherish my friends. Especially those that are closest to me. I have lost friends before, and the feeling sucks. Seriously, it sucks. Now you're telling me, after all that we've went through, you are going to give up our friendship? I am sorry, but I really dont know how to reply your message. I mean, I have tried very hard to grasp on this. You have told me you wanted to give up before, I told you not to. And now, for another reason, you're telling me the same thing. I don't get it. I am sorry, but I don't.

That was to a close friend. Sorry for the outburst.

I didn't know how to pour it to others. I am really lost. Perhaps, I do need time. But, not in THAT way.

I can't describe my feelings now, perhaps this song will.....








Perhaps, I am not really worth your time. I am sorry that I hurt you then.

Training tomorrow.

Pax, please help me.

That's all for today,
Don't ask me whether I'm okay, cos I'm not for now,
I'm sorry.
See you. I hope I will be better then

I'm still breathing;
9:42 PM

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hello people! (:

Sorry I didn't update yesterday! I was out the whole day and I only reached home at 11.30 P.M. D: But it was worth it. :D

I had training but I had a workshop at the same time. In the end, I had to go the compulsory workshop! ):

Oh well, I arrived one hour late thanks to me oversleeping :P At least, I didn't missed much. The workshop was teaching us how to present stuff. Pretty interesting overall, but then again, nervousness always kills me. Haha, I had to keep walking up and down to prevent myself from cracking under pressure. End up, doing an abrupt ending, and idiotic stuff. ): I better start preparing for this if not I am going to die during PW. HAIZ~

After that, made my way home. AND I GOT IRRITATED AT THE BUS RIDE!!! D: It took like 2 hours ++ to reach WOODLANDS INT!!! ZZZZ. There was some road works from King Albert Park to Beauty World Center. Hence, it took one hour to travel from King Albert Park to Beauty World. OMGG!!! I was damm bored on the bus. Kept repeating my music :/

When I finally reached home, I quickly ate and left for J8 to meet ETHEL CHING. Took awhile to select clothes though >.< Anyway, went with Ethel to buy flowers for her friends and mine. Before rushing over back to the bus stop as the bus coming in 2 mins. Luckily, made in time! Haha, technology is amazing. Helped us predict the time the bus arrives :D Ethel and her friend started talking about eye-candies while I just TRIED to join in the conversation. It seems super weird to listen to such stuff. HAHA.

Alighted at some random bus stop to change bus over. However, Ethel realised we would be late if we took the bus, so we decided to cab there. Haha, and thankfully, we did. Arrived there just on time. Then, just watched/listened to the concert.

When the concert ended, we had to collect our flowers as they didnt allow flowers in the hall. LIKE WHAT?! Nvm... Then, waited for the choir people to come out. Then, I saw Hoi Yan and passed her flowers. HAHA. Then, she end up gaving me cookies to eat which I mistook to be cupcakes :P HAHA, super idiotic >< I even told my daughter that it was cupcakes. Haha, i feel so retarded. :P

Then, met up with Yong Liang and other classmates. And stupid daughter, say I together with Ethel -.- HAHA, nevermind, she got more stuff for me to suan about anyways BLEAH!

As it was getting late, my dad called me to ask me where I was. And he decided to drive me home :D If not, I would be taking the train with the rest. And I would most probably be still asleep now. HAHA.

My dad is awesome :D

OMG, I just packed my stuff and I realised I have got A LOT OF WORK!!! AHHHHHHH.

I better stop here ._.

Alright, that's all for today,
Jiayou to those doing work,

I'm still breathing;
12:35 PM

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello people!

It's supposed to be TGIF day. But OMG, it wasn't really fun at all.

I had Combined Sports Meet (CSM) in the morning. Usually, it's supposed to very high and fun and exciting etc. Yeah, key word SUPPOSED. Oh well, reached school late at round 7.30a.m. Surprisingly, no checks, or confiscating of ez-link cards. So I just strolled all the way there.

When I was under the tent, it was seriously DAMN HOT okay? VERY VERY HOT. Couldn't stand it. Like, less than 10 mins, I regretted coming already. I should have just slept until 9 or something then come only for bio lecture. So much better.

After that, went for lunch with Pax and Joven. Surprisingly, met the most of the class there and some floorball friends :D In between eating, Wei Quan was in the way of the auntie. And the auntie said this epic sentence,  "美女, 借过!" LIKE, HAHAHAHA. JOKE, Wei Quan has been officially declared a girl.

Then, went to buy bubble tea. While waiting, me and Pax starting suan-ing Joven about how someone will bash us up. HAHAHA.

After bio lecture, I realised something idiotic I did. I actually ordered lunch to come at 3pm yet I went to eat with Pax and Joven. TOTALLY RETARDED. SERIOUSLYYYYY.

Oh well, in the end, I had to wait for the food to come. Thanks to pig, ying yen and ding! for accompanying me and entertaining me while I wait. Thanks a lot, really appreciate it (:

After that, I just boringly made my way home. HAHA.

Reached home and started a convo with THUAN on how to deal with JIE's problem. The convo led one conclusion: (Fill in the blanks) is thick skin and Thuan has the same thinking process as me. HAHA.

Luckily, the convo ended early and I can still blog before 12 a.m. WOOT!

Oh my, there's workshop tomorrow and I am still here. Tsk tsk, I should do something about my sleeping habits, really getting out of hand. HAHA.

OMG, Ethel says my eyebags and dark eye circles very DISTINCT AND OBVIOUS. AHHHH!!! I dont like ): Wow, I sound gay. Oh well....

I better sleep now. I. Need. Sleep. ._.

Alright, that's all for today,
for those who don't intend to sleep yet when it's at night,

I'm still breathing;
11:24 PM

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hello people!

I am tired, like VERY tired. Physically and mentally. Tsk tsk, I am crazy during floorball trainings. HAHA.

HC Investiture in the morning!

I was walking to sit with my class when I heard, " ZONG XIAN!" I turned around and saw Paxton and John Hendrick. So I just joined them. Haha, talk with them about floorball. This topic seems never-ending to us. HAHA, whole investiture just talked about that. Of course, occasionally cheering, clapping and watching fun stuff. HAHA. I think the Beat It! by the 36th council abit weird. The moves are right, but then, not to the right lyrics and beat. HAHA. Maybe is I too high expectations of dance bah. :P

Oh well, econs test after it was screwed. I wrote alot but they seem like rubbish to me. Like out-of-point-kind-of-rubbish. Haiz, I am foreseeing another U grade coming.

Aye, someone owes me something, but that particular someone dont want to say, so I am forced to dao that someone :P I will try my best on this one. HAHA.

Woot, after school, was TRAINING!!!! HAHA, its fun to train. No reason why, dont ask me either. HAHA. Anyway, the new keeper needs a lot of brushing up. Haiz, I have been thinking about my decision about being outfield. Seriously... Oh well, at least it was fun today. Running so much gives me great satisfaction. HAHA. The only regret is that I am super shagged now.

Anyway, 知足 is still my favourite song. Super nice. I am humming the tune now! OMG. HAHAHA, okok. I am getting bored ._. I need to stay up until my group finish sending me their parts on GPP. If not, I cannot sleep. For some reason, I think impossible to finish as I think someone slept liao. :/ SIANZ.

Alright, I better go settle my GPP now,
Super boring post I know,
I try to post fun stuff soon,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
11:19 PM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Song To Describe My


Hello people!

I got Econs test tomorrow and I am too lazy to blog. So I am going to post lyrics to 'How To Save A Life- The Fray' It describes the past which I keep thinking about. Not targetted at anyone. (:

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through

Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence

Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you
And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed

He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
How to save a life
How to save a life

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life
How to save a life

Haha, its a nice song (: So go listen to it :D

Hehe, training tomorrow, so confirm happy. So no problems (:

Alright, that's all for today
Goodluck everyone, for whatever you guys have,
Stay strong (;
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
7:17 PM

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Love for them <3

Hello people!

I am in a very netural mood now. HAHA.

Started off the day pretty badly with myself trying to keep awake during maths lecture. In the end, I just sms-ed to keep awake. HAHA.

Then, Bio lecture results came. ZZZ, totally sucked. I really hate it. And please, when you did so much better than me, don't come in front of me and start complaining/emoing about your results. It's freaking idiotic and it isn't really pleasant to hear. I may act like I am fine, but I am NOT. Oh shucks, I feel like a hypocrite ><

Maths test after school was just as bad. I totally gave up at least one question each in both tests as I was in a hurry for training. I am totally glad I did rushed.

TRAINING. WOO~~ Sounds pretty crazy for me to be actually excited about tiring myself. But somehow, HC Floorball just seems different to me. I enjoy myself much more there. Maybe because I am able to focus myself on something else and sprint to get my worries off my head. I felt so much more relieved after training. :D HAHA, HC FLOORBALL <3<3 LOVES FOREVER (:

Anyway, I don't usually say 'sorry' that easily. When you get it from me, it's either I am REALLY sorry or you're just special OR the thing was a small matter. (: *winks at someone* HAHA.

HEYYYYY, I managed to finish my day happily. That's great. :D I am sure I can finish it the same way on thursday too. HEHE.

Alright, I still have work to do,
That's all for today,
See Ya~ (:

I'm still breathing;
10:12 PM

Monday, May 10, 2010

Life is Simple

Hello people! :D

Life is simple. It's more of what you decide to do makes life hard. Sometimes, we give ourselves too high expectations, whereby pressure sets in and you think life is hard. But if you release yourself from that, life can be enjoyable! (: I suppose it's more of your perception of anything that determines how you are going to live. Since that is so, why not cherish every moment of your life and enjoy it to the fullest? (:

Haha, too many things have happened throughout the entire week, and I really regret emo-ing over these few days. Whatever the case, I found my optimistic self already (: HEHE, it was hidden under those idiotic thoughts of mine. :D

Yes, I am not perfect, neither would I say I am good, hence, recognition from another gives me a sense of satisfaction I can never explain. I am referring to my own dance choreo. As some of you all might know by now, I failed the auditions (although not cause that my dance sucks or anything but yea....) I was kind of disappointed and pissed off by the reason that I got rejected. But then again, I heard recognition from others. That was enough for me. (:

Oh well, that aside, school is starting to kick in really badly. Haha, everything seems so difficult once again. I foresee myself becoming a mugger soon. HAHA.

Anyway, I left school early to support the girl's last match for this year. It wasn't really a happy ending for them, but oh well, at least they tried! But I think the significance of me supporting was not to really support them. It's more of meeting the seniors once again for a common reason and goal, for the last few times. It's hard to accept but, yes, they are really going. The only thing left for us to do, would be to pick ourselves up and continue their legend and legacy and make them proud. HC Floorball <3

Oh, there's training tmr! Somehow, I still look forward to it. HAHA.

Life's fun, dont make it not that way.

That's all for today,
Although I can totally forsee that I might say FML soon, but its okay
See Ya~

I'm still breathing;
9:57 PM

Saturday, May 8, 2010

So Hard To Say Goodbye

Hello people!

It's so hard to say goodbye isn't it?I am editing this from Derek's pm: What I hate most about getting emotionally attached to anyone, is saying goodbye.

What can I say? Oh right, <3 HC Floorball. Haiz, I miss everyone. ):

(Oh well, those stuff that are up there is because of Derek's video of HC Floorball.)

Anyway, I was late for training again today! But I planned it because Caleb wasnt coming. HAHA. Oh well, first time after so long of keeping, I am outfielding. My shots are gone!!! OMG. I better start training fast.

And, elections of ex-co of floorball next monday! I think Floorball is the only thing that keeps me going now.

This is random but OMG, PAXTON IS VERY ALIKE ME!!! My brother is like a twin to me HEHE. We both have been asked whether we were emo-ing and we were having the same emotions for the same reason :D PAXXXX <3

HAHA. I sound like a fangirl posting that. :P

Oh well, someone please give me a reason to smile. Because I realised, I no longer have enough to smile.

Emo-ing sux! Optimistic self, where are you?? *Searches high and low*

Alright, that's all for today
Dont say goodbye, please.

I'm still breathing;
7:24 PM

Friday, May 7, 2010

Keep Some Faith

Hello people!

Sorry for not blogging these few days, too tired and busy to.

Just some updates, we drawed NYJC for 4-4. And basically, everyone was pretty down since the seniors were leaving and yea, the CCA seems so much emptier. I MISS THE SENIORS ): <3 HC FLOORBALL ALWAYS

I am not going to make much sense from now on to people who doesn't know. But, I can't make it too obvious, cos, it won't be nice. Yeah.

It sucks when the reason was NOT that i was NOT good enough. When I put in so much effort and yet, the other puts in none. And the other gets it while I don't. It doesn't make sense to you? It's okay, cos it doesn't to me either. Just because of a decision I made led to such a result on me. Seriously, it shows the materialism of the organisation. THANKS! TOTALLY.

Life always does this to me huh? Just when I thought I could enjoy, something hits me hard to the ground and I always spend my time crawling up. And just when I took my first step, the next thing hits me again.


Perhaps everyone is right. If fate doesn't give it to you, accept it and move on. Then, hope for things to get better from then on. Alright, I shall move on with life. But mind you, I am not over this. The smiles those people give me now are so hyprocritical to me now. And if you are close to me, dont worry, I don't mean its you.

Oh well, training tomorrow. My team never fails to make my day. So let's hope things would remain the same. But it wouldn't be, the seniors are gone. Damn it.

Paxton, please make my day tomorrow.

I am abnormal. Seriously. HAHA.

I am having mood swings now.

I miss the non-political environment in CHS. I miss 4-9. I miss my clique. I miss basketball. I miss floorball seniors. I miss the fun. I miss everything.

Best of all, I miss myself. The self that is always happy, no matter what happens. The optimistic self. Come back please. I miss you.

But, the life now I am having isn't that bad either. I made close friend(s).

Perhaps, someone is right, I AM PESSIMISTIC. Damn it la, I am just abnormal ._.

Alright, I go pick myself up,
I shall blog tomorrow about fun stuff,

I'm still breathing;
9:34 PM

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Song To Describe My Feelings

怎麼去擁有 一道彩虹 

怎麼去擁抱 一夏天的風

天上的星星 笑地上的人 總是不能懂 不能覺得足夠

如果我愛上 你的笑容 要怎麼收藏 要怎麼擁有

如果你快樂 不是為我 會不會放手 其實才是擁有

當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空 

為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動

終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭 

才發現 笑著哭 最痛

那天你和我 那個山丘 那樣的唱著 那一年的歌

那樣的回憶 那麼足夠 足夠我天天 都品嚐著寂寞

當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空 

為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動

終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭 

才發現 笑著哭 最痛

當一陣風吹來 風箏飛上天空 

為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動

終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭 

才發現 笑著哭 最痛

如果我愛上 你的笑容 要怎麼收藏 要怎麼擁有

如果你快樂 再不是為我 會不會放手 其實才是擁有

知足的快樂 叫我忍受心痛

知足的快樂 叫我忍受心痛
It says a lot about my feelings now (:
That's all for today,
I am busy :D
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
9:37 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Hello people! (:

I am here to update about yesterday and today! (:

So, match against YJC yesterday. I suppose some of us already knew that they were good and it was going to be hard to beat them. Others chose to believe in the odds. However, there are also people like me, just there to play their hearts out and didn't mind the score or the outcome of the game.

Yes, winning is definitely better than losing. However, I realised, winning isn't everything. Enjoying whatever you are doing is.

We lost. Yes, but I think all of our team played their best. At least from what I saw. I suppose I should be blame for a few of the goals for I lost focus. All in all, our team did great. (: I am proud of everyone (:

Haha, it was really fun to be in this team. I think it doesn't matter to me whether I was on court or at the sidelines cheering for our team. I think all that matters was, I was part of this team. This unique team. :D

I went to bathe after the match immediately and quickly. Guess what? My teammates tried to take photo of me -.- Lucky I bathe fast. If not, the consequences is DISASTROUS. HAHA.

After that, joined them in taking a team photo. We were too 'un-serious' that it took us forever to settle down and take a serious photo. HAHA. But that allowed us to take the fun one after it easily. (: But then again, being raped by the team wasn't part of the plan >.< Suddenly, one whole group of people tackle you to the floor and try to pin you down while the rest try to take off your clothes. ZZZ. Lucky they stopped because there were girls around. If not, it's good game to me. But in someway, although I don't really like it, it makes me feel loved by the team, which I love them too. (: I suppose they are fun in their own ways and everything.

Then, something hit me real hard. Not literally of course. I meant like, the feeling you get when you realise something. That was our last few times together as a team. Next wednesday, would be our last match against NYJC. And then, the seniors would bid goodbye to us. I agree with Derek. The only thing I hate about being emotionally attached to a team, is saying goodbye. ): I really love the team so much. I make notes for them and try to keep the team's morale high and all. Not something I did for anyone. Only for these bunch of people whom I now proclaim brothers (:

I suppose it was this exact love for the team that I went for training in the morning despite sleeping late. Took Derek's gear to train since he couldnt come and my gear was under washing. We didn't really train much to say the truth, of course, that's because we have another one on monday. But then again, it was because, we were trying to enjoy this 2nd last training with the seniors. I hate the word 'last'. As much as I understand that all good things come to an end, but I hate the end. It feels bad and weird at the same time.

Oh well, went for lunch with some of the guys. Talk ALOT of rubbish once again (:

After lunch, we made our way back to school. Haha, one of the best walks ever!!! HAHA, because Alan, Paxton and I were singing on the way back. Songs like: Forever Love, Xiao Wei etc. came out. HAHA. FUN AND NICE OKAY!!! HEHE.

After that went to meet my TF (: I realised something, silence isnt awkward for us. I suppose that's because we are close, but then again, it always seem amazing to me (:

As I was too tired and I have not finish my choreography for my Tuesday's interview, I decided to give the class outing a skip. Sorry 10S74 for pang seh-ing you all, but I really not in the right physical state to go. SORRY! D:

Alright, I better go cut my music again,
I am such a perfectionist when comes to stuff like editing,
HAHA, that's all for today,

I'm still breathing;
6:27 PM

Welcome To My Life.
Greenwoodian of 1I and 2A to 6A ' 00-05.
I was a CHS 'gentleman' of 1-4,2-4,3-9 and 4-9' 06-09.
I am now a HC-ian of 10S74 and OG34.
I am in HC Floorball <3 .

Being Direct.
The Great Escape.
10S74 [HC]
Azilah [HC]
Cynthia [GWP]
Desmond Chan [CHS]
Hoi Yan [HC]
Hui Ern [GWP]
Jane [HC]
Jing Hui [GWP&HC]
Jonathan Voon [HC]
Joven [HC]
Jun Rong [CHS]
Justin Ong [HC]
Ngiap Seng [CHS&HC]
Roy Goh [CHS]
Wei Jie [CHS]
Yong Liang[CHS&HC]
Yuh Chyi [HC]
Zi Yan [HC]

Thanks For The Memories.
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
February 2012
March 2012
January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

Famous Last Words.
layout by bitterswt
others; * * * *