Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pressure Sets In

Hello people!

I just received an email from my fac head, regarding the Dance I/C interview. 3 sets of item required. Choreography for next year's Faculty Dance, a freestyle and this year's Faculty Dance. Zzzz, how am I suppose to find a partner??? I dont even know much people from this school D:

I need to learn how to cut music soon. I have to prepare by tmr at the very least! So that can practice abit. ZOMG. PRESSURE!!! AHHHH!!!!

Looked at all the inspirational video that all the HC Floorballers put. Got reminded of the match against YJC tomorrow. PRESSURE! AHHHH!!!

Did chem bonding make-up test today. I couldn't even do the first question! PRESSURE AHHHH!!!!

I didn't understand anything from Econs. PRESSURE AHHH!!!!!

ZOMG MAN, internal pressure and external pressure's difference is getting too big!!! I AM GONNA BURST SOON. DAMN IT.

Stay strong, keep fighting and keep faith. I constantly remind myself of it but they seem like words with no meaning.

This reminds me, my fillial daughter wrote me a very very VERY, inspiring note.

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on in the first place."

I though about it. Why did I choose floorball over MAD???? MAD is a first CCA,  I have a better foundation. The people there are okay.

I found the answer. I love the team. Much more than anyone can imagine. I don't know how to phrase this kind of emotions I have for them in words. I can only put them in actions. By doing whatever I can. In any case, actions speaks louder than words. My actions would be loud tomorrow. So would my reminders to the team.

Thanks to everyone who encouraged me and told me stay happy. (: Really, THANK YOU GUYS!!! A LOT! :D

I have not found home in HC yet. But I found a lot of close friends. I mean it.

That's all for today,
Thanks for reading,

I'm still breathing;
10:12 PM

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I Broke Down TOTALLY

Hi people!

It hurts me to say that we have lost to RV 3-4. REALLY. IT HURTS.

I don't feel like describing the match because its pretty boring to people who don't understand. So I will just fast forward it to what happen when the final whistle was blown.

I stood up from the goalpost and threw my helmet into the bench. Supposedly, went to congratulate them. I was already on the verge of breaking down already. Then, Bing Heng came up to me. I didn't know what to say but just murmured sorry. Congratulating them was painful to me. It was really that bad. Immediately after that, I picked up my stuff and went out for team debrief. Only Licheng was there then.

When I saw Licheng, I couldnt take it anymore. I just broke down. This IS really my first time breaking down in public. Like I really couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I just cried. And thanks a lot to Licheng for lending me your lap to cry on. I guess it just sucks. All the goals I let in could have been stopped. I dont know why I didn't. If I had stopped any of them, we could have walked out of the court with heads held high! Furthermore, with 30s left on the clock, I threw a lousy throw-out causing our team to lose possession just like that. I felt like a loser, like I have let the team down and all. And all the words that everyone said only made me felt worse. Its just I felt like I let down all the seniors who have pinned so much hopes on me. It just occur to me that it was their last run for nationals and I screwed it up for them. The feeling sucks, really. TTM. I hate to be the cause of it. It felt as though I have failed the team. I didn't even dare to look into the eyes of any seniors for I was ashamed of myself for letting them down. That's how I felt.

After team debrief, I felt worse. Although Caleb was telling them how well I did for a first-timer and all, I felt like I didn't do enough. It sucks. REALLY.

I felt so bad that I wanted to talk to someone who could understand how I feel. Not like, 'you did very well' kind of understand. I need the kind of understanding that I didn't do my best and I screwed it up for the team. I scanned my phonebook. Guess what? I couldn't find a single guy to talk to. I realised that I have NO GUY CLOSE FRIENDS IN HC. I didn't want to contact people from CHS as they have different stuff from us. Thanks a lot to everyone who have encouraged me one way or another. From phone calls to SMS-es. EVERYTHING. It's these kind of small things that I really appreciate.

It feels kinda good when you realised that there are people who actually care about you. People who are willing to be there when shit goes down for you. It's exactly cause of that, I have picked myself up from this thrash and walk on. I would give nothing less than my all on Friday. For everyone cares.

Thanks a lot once again for everyone who has helped one way or another. LOVE YOU GUYS TTM. THANK YOU.

That's all for today,
Failure is not something to be ashamed of,
Not giving your best is.

I'm still breathing;
10:23 PM

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grateful? Hateful?

Hello people! (:

I am blogging really slowly thanks to my sore left index finger. No idea how I got it anyway. Add a sore left knee to the injury list.

Anyway, ALMOST late for the 2nd time this year! Thanks to some 961 bus whose ez-link card thingy spoiled. So yea, ALMOST late. Reached just on time before the parade commander started straining his throat. HAHA.

Rumours tell me its our last Biology Lab with Miss Choong. Really? I have mixed feelings towards her. Sometimes she is a really good and nice teacher. Other times, she just seem..... a little out of control? I dont know. Well, since she is nice at times, I might just 'miss' her a little. HAHA.

GP? Please, its a break period. Don't believe, ask my classmates. We were doing Bio Prac. Like OMG.  Hehe, but at least I multi-tasked and still managed to get what he was saying and take down notes! :D Multi-tasking, my talent. HAHAHA.

Oh btw, stop reminding me of my bad haircut. I feel bad enough. Don't come and suan/niao/kp me for it. I don't appreciate it. Not like I can change anything about it. So, the next 1 to suan me about my hair, don't blame me if I dao you. I will do just that. Note: I can differentiate suans and jokes.

Anyway, went to library to study. Note to OG34, DONT EVER STUDY WITH THUAN SENG!!! Zomg, totally unproductive. I only started work after he left. And, THUAN SENG, stop spamming sms-es -.- Battery draining and waste of time. Idiotic. And dont spam me 'Sorry sorry' sms-es. You idiot. HAHA.

I feel super inferior now. YES. SUPER inferior. I heard Jerome

is running for Dance I/C. SIANZ. He is damn zai in choreo. That means I stand no chance. Anyway, people dont know me well enough. When I decide to take part in something, I won't back out until the very end. I am too competitive. But I am fore-seeing this as a loss. That's not saying I wont put up a good fight. But yes, I would lose this position most likely. Although many thanks to my class and my MORTAL, for the encouragement. I will try not to disappoint you guys. TRY. Oh yes, I thank my buddy too. Although your theory was absolutely rubbish and the points you stated were just as bad, it was nice to hear from you. (:

Buddy, jiayou for your fac outing performance. Although things are not going to your plans now, just do your best okay!!! I believe that you can still put up a fantastic performance! Keep faith! (:

Match against RVH tomorrow. No complacency from anyone okay!!! Everything has to been done still. <3 HC Floorball. I make this promise now, I wont flinch at the ball tomorrow, neither would I forget the blind side. <3 YOU GUYS!!! (:

Oh my, I am rubbing my eyes like mad. They dont look sore, but they feel sore. Makes no sense huh? It doesnt make any sense to me either. HAHA.

I realised the difference between keeping in heart and saying it out. It's the responsibility that people place in the words they say. Not like they have a choice anyway. I fully understand it now. (:

TF, things have been busy but jiayou! Stay strong, keep faith (:

That's all I have for today,
Thanks for everything to anyone who has stepped into my life,
No I am not committing suicide,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
10:03 PM

Monday, April 26, 2010

Distant Much

Hello people!

I am doing QUITE an emo post today, so yea, sorry about those who are seeking entertaintment!

It has been only less than half a year from the 19th and no one can ever imagine how close we can get in these few months. And the stuff we share amongst each other are just as crazy as ever. There seem to be no communication barrier between us. However, recently, we have distant. I have no idea why either!!!! It's like, I know it has been busy for you and we can't have those talks we use to have. I understand you're tired too. I wont even blame you if you cant read this post. But, I dont like the distance between us. Well, I must be being paranoid again. I know we will talk soon, but when? Oh well, I know our ties will never be broken easily, so I shall keep faith. (:

I have come to the realisation of a flaw I have in myself, which is actually one of my greatest strengths too. People feel comfortable around me and dont feel the need to hide themselves. Partly because I am true to everyone around me too. Well, because of that, people open up to me easily. Hence, I know stuff of them. Then again, it results in 2 outcomes. They are afraid to lose me as a friend. OR They will never accept what's more. It's hard to explain it on my blog, so I rather make it known to those few people that I keep faith in. At least, I will let them know soon. All I can say is, I put friends and love at my priorities. Maybe abit higher than family and A LOT higher than my results. At least for the moment.

I need to distant from some people now.... People who dont know their limits and people who backstabs. KEEP AWAY FROM ME PLEASE. If you think I am someone who can bear any criticism you throw at me, YOU ARE SO DAMN WRONG! I take ANY jokes thrown at me, but I take criticisms to my heart seriously. So please learn to draw a line between jokes and criticisms, because I have been seeing more of criticisms from you than jokes.

A few people whom I want to be close with are distant from me now. Because of stories? Because of emotional setbacks? I don't know. I hate this, the coldness he has been giving me is unbearable. To think that we use to click so well! Every cold shoulder he gave me is much more unbearable than you think. Call me AA if you want. But I dont really care, I dont need attention from people. I need concern and care from people whom I care for. Not asking much since I do give my very full care and concern to people whom I care for.


I hope I dare to <3 again. Setbacks are pushing back to that bottomless pit. Sorry. I sound super stupid and silly. Oh well, this is my blog, so I dont really care much. HAHAHA.

Oh well, I would find my way out like I always do. USUALLY. Haha.

I would be fine. That's what I always say and that's always what I achieve. THEORETICALLY.

But yes, I can smile, for I have reasons to. I can cry for I have reasons to. But for now, the reasons for smiling outweighs the reasons for crying. So I shall smile (: SMILE!!! :D

Okay, that's all I have for today,
Stay strong, less distant,

I'm still breathing;
9:55 PM

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I Need A Break From Life

Hello people!

I didn't blog yesterday as I was too tired, so I am here to make it up! (:

Wake up for training yesterday LATE! Haha, I am tell you, the snooze button on my phone is just AMAZING :D Haha, keep snoozing! Luckily, I made it ON TIME. Haha :P Goes to show how early I can be :P Learnt a lot from the training. Let's hope it helps for the run during the nationals!

After that, went to eat with the team. Haha, eating as a team is really amusing and fun! HAHA. Enjoy our talking rubbish a lot. :)

Then, went home and bathe and change for STJ.

I was really tired to the extent of being afraid then I might oversleep on the train. Hence, I put alarm on my phone to wake me up in event of such. Hehe.

Reached vivo at around 5.17 p.m. when we were suppose to meet at 5.15. And WOW, only 3 people were there. Says a lot about our class's punctuality. Anyway, seeing that, I rushed to Candy Empire to buy present for my angel and mortal. Haha. So sad, my angel didn't come. Haha. Oh well. Ate at Thai Ascent! :)

Haha, at Thai Ascent was EPIC. Watching how Yong Liang and Chong We ate stuff they didn't want to eat. A scene to behold :x

After the dinner, S74 went to the rooftop to play some games. Learnt a few more senior's names. It was pretty ok despite the childishness of the games. HAHA. After that, as it was getting late, everyone started to make their way home while me and Edwin stay back for some dance-sharing session. Haha. Too bad he only do toprocks in front of me. Haha. What a waste :P


This reminds me, Dance I/C interview on Tuesday. I sound calm, but I am not. :/ I need come up with 4 sets of 8. ZOMG MANNNN!!!! I am scared of dancing under pressure. GAHH. Please, dont fail me.

Anyway, I woke up at 12.45 P.M. today. I am amazed myself. Shows a lot on how tired I am. :S

I feel like going for vice-captain for HC Floorball. Haha, sounds crazy. Oh well, I AM.

I need to cut my hair today if not some teacher going to kill me. And guess what, I MIGHT be working with this teacher. MIGHT. If I make it for Dance I/C, I will.

PI Final submission coming up. SIAN!!!! So many stuff to do. Still need to come up with dance. Haiz~ FML. TOTALLY.

The night scenery on Vivo's rooftop is amazing. Seriously, its calming and beautiful in a sense. How I wish I could just sit there with people I care for alone or even on my own. Just slow down my pace of life and look at the sky. Maybe I will do it when I am free. But, if I am free, why would I need to do that. HAIZ~ Life is contradicting. TOTALLY. Oh well, I still long for such a day.

I better start on my PI now!

Alright folks, stay strong (:
That's all for today,

I'm still breathing;
4:15 PM

Friday, April 23, 2010

~ Irritated Mood ~

Hello people!

I am super tired today, so, I am going to sleep once I finish blogging. D:

Slept at 1 and woke up at 5 thanks to PW. Seriously, PW is going to kill me before I even get to see the result slip.

Anyway, for the first time for P.E., I didn't even break a sweat. That's because everyone was running 2.4 km while I was busy taking down their laps and smiling. Haha, basically, I skipped P.E. because of my ongoing floorball season AND I sprained my left knee. ):

During maths lecture, I felt so tired that I just slept on the 'table'. I saw Wei Quan taking photo of me but I was too tired to even do anything about it. That's how tired I am.

CT session was election of Faculty Head and Deputy Faculty Head for Ares. Some of the questions were really entertaining, some were just serious and boring while the rest were answered shamelessly. And to a guy, you bore and disgust me. -.-

Anyway, CONGRATS FOR LEE YING LIN FOR EMERGING FACULTY HEAD! It was a clear-cut obvious win as seen from the applause she received everytime she stepped out. And, OMG, I totally throw my own face while doing faculty dance with her. Too lazy and tired to do properly and the music was very soft that it was hard to follow the beat. D: Sian!! Shouldn't have promised her jokingly >.< Oh well, let's hope it would not affect my run for Dance I/C. :S

After that, I stayed back in school for nothing. Like really nothing. I slept at the class bench for a while before deciding to go home to rest instead.

I am in an irritated mood today. Don't ask me why because I have no idea either :/ Just suddenly felt very irritated at small stuff easily. Pissed myself off many times on the bus when the people were like squeezing here and there. I HATE THIS IRRITATED MOOD D: I think I better sleep soon so that I would offend less people while I am in this mood. :/

Tomorrow's match against 'B' Div 2nd position. Let's see how HC FLOORBALL fair. LET'S GO GUYS :)

Alright, that's all for today,
Keep faith, keep fighting and keep living,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
10:32 PM

Thursday, April 22, 2010

~ Match Update~

Hi people!

Update on the match: HCI VS VJ
Score: HC- 2 VJ - 7

Yes, we lost. I wont say badly. But yes, we lost. However, I am not disappointed in the loss, I am rather pissed off by it.

Why? Let me tell you.

Our match was postponed LAST MINUTE to a later timing without any early notification, causing the team to be very pissed off before we went to the game.

During the game, our team had no supporters except ourselves while VJ had at least a class to support them. Also, during the match, some girls from VJ, seriously, should learn to keep their mouth shut. They laughed at Samuel and some other guy from the team for no apparent reason. Seriously, it ticked me off. I feel that unless you really understand how the game works and the amount of effort that we have put in, you have NO RIGHTS to laugh at us, especially when you're just sitting at the sideline doing nothing and knowing NOTHING.  Unless you are better than us, dont you DARE LAUGH AT US! Nice EQ you had there. And please, note, I am not saying that all VJ girls are like that, I am saying the ones that laughed.

Anyway, the team lost but not to VJ, but to ourselves. In any case, it was our team's first match ever on such a wide platform and against the defending champs. I am not saying that this is an excuse, but you can't blame us, especially me, for being nervous and making mistakes.

In any case, if HC expects us to provide results, they should start providing is with support. I don't mean like coming down for our preliminary matches, I mean like giving us a good area to train at so that we can actually practice properly. Until then, we are playing for HC Floorball, not HC. Sorry about that.

Alright, I missed school today and I have A LOT OF WORK to catch up, so yea, Sorry, I would end here.


I'm still breathing;
8:59 PM

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

~ Big Day Tomorrow~

Hello people!

Tomorrow is a big day for <3 HC FLOORBALL! (: OUR DEBUT AGAINST VJC!

We have been training darn hard for the game and it's about time the HC FLOORBALL TEAM produce some results. I am scared and nervous, but, this is the time the team has been waiting for. To prove our worth and all the sweat and blood we have shed over the team. We have trained hard and well.

Sometimes, it takes a year to get a team to settle together and play as a team. Sometimes, it takes a week to get a team to settle together and play as a team. I tell you this, our team took a day. A day when a key man of our team showed how much he wanted to win, showed how much he was willing to give the team, showed that he was willing to risk his life for the team. When he collapsed, he woke everyone up, the living beast among us and bring out all the determination and strength from within. The team was truly formed then. I won't say our team has so much telepathy that they can read each other's minds, but I daresay we can read each other's movements. (: I <3 HC Floorball. REALLY. NO REGRETS JOINING (:

Now that all the cheesy stuff are done, I am gonna finish up with a small update.

Tomorrow, I would be going school for flag-raising only! Jealous or not!!! Haha. Everyone would be wearing RED LONG SOCKS AND SAME COLOURED JERSEYS AS WE APPROACH THE COURTS! FEAR US OPPONENTS!!!

Haha, no matter the results, I hope we can play to our heart's content. If we win, we deserved it.

Alright, on a depressing note, I am still affected by the same stuff all over again. I hate that okay? But it's okay, tomorrow's match will be my main focus, so no emo-ing today :D

Okay, that's all for today,
I go pack my stuff to prepare for tomorrow,
I will update on the match,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
10:06 PM

Monday, April 19, 2010

~ Love/Hate- A Line Of


Hello people!

Sorry I am not in a good mood to entertain today. Although it's true I am generally happier as compared to when I was pissed off, I am still very affected by it. 

I can't really blog about it since I dont really want to BACKSTAB people and PUT HIM DOWN in front of others and I am unwilling to mention names. SO, I am going to put it simply. I don't appreciate people who bad-mouth me behind my back. Especially when you do it with friends of mine, causing me to lose friends, SORRY, I DONT APPRECIATE IT.

Thanks to Piggy buddy and Mommy for all the stuff you all said and did to cool me down. I appreciate it. (: 

Anyway, Chemistry Lab was total awkward for my group. We did a live demo and to say all those stuff on our own was pretty nervous and awkward for me. Yeah. Oh well, at least we DID IT. Haha.

After that, went self-training with seniors and john hendrick. Didn't do much and just shoot. I really like my own shots :P Sound so ego. BLEAH.

Then, went to banner-painting area to meet mommy and piggy before going back with pig. It was high time on the bus again and laughing madly on the bus on retarded stuff. And to think the pig was tired. HAHA. When I finally managed to calm pig down to sleep, pig went to dreamland within seconds. TOTALLY TIRED!! D: And saw pig curling up like a ball so I just placed my jacket over the curled up pig. HAHA.

Reached home and sms TF to tell TF to don't act tough and all. MY TF IS AWESOME :D BLEAH. Raising TF's ego daoooooooo. HAHA.

'A' Div Nationals coming up in two days or less. HC FLOORBALL, COME ON PEOPLE LETS OWN! :D <3

I am feeling sick, like my throat feels irritated and itchy. NOT NOW PLEASE D:

Ok, there's work to be done,
To all those I care for, stay happy

Alright, that's all for today,

I'm still breathing;
11:08 PM

Sunday, April 18, 2010

~ Fac Outing ~

Hello people!

I reached home at 1 yesterday that's why I didnt update, sorry! ):

Anyway, I am staying at home today, so nothing to blog about, so take this as yesterday's post :D

Floorball training! However, I went late for it because THIS happened:

I was supposed to take the key out with me for today ( I usually throw it back after locking it in instead of bringing it with me because I fear that I lose it. ) because I was going back home early for FAC OUTING. Hence, I was suppose to bring it. However, I stupidly forgot about it and threw it back in. GAHH. I had to call my mom to walk back from wherever she was as she had left earlier and help me open the door. And she really rushed back for me! HAHA, THANKS MOM! <3

Anyway, so I made my way to school. Then, met up with TF to chit-chat abit before making my way to training. And, thanks for the bottle! :) I would try not to lose it :P

Then, I went for training. And suprisingly, it was a friendly against BLAST TEAM AGAIN! Haha, and this time, we did well even though we lost. 4-5 was the final score :D Haha, lose by abit only.

Despite this 'ok-performance' against BLAST, I am still scared, like literally. As Derek has not been training hard for he has not gotten his clearance from the doctor to train, he would be rusty for the match. And Kevin said that, " You might be starting, so train hard." Usually, when people hear that, they would be very happy as it meant they would be playing more and better. But I am scared cos of it. I have a nerve problem, meaning I would be very nervous on the big platform and I might be unable to perform well. That sucks! :( And to make me a starter keeper would be even worse! AHHH, :( I must really overcome it for the team :/ I LOVE HCFLOORBALL LA!!!!

After that, went to eat with the seniors like kevin, licheng, alan and songhei and issac. Haha, talk alot of rubbish while eating.

Then, I made my way home, changed and rushed to Bugis to meet Wei Quan. When he arrived, we make our way to Bugis Street, but got lost in the middle of Bugis Junction. WE DAMN EPIC LAHH!. After that, went in and looked around for stuff we wanted to buy. Seriously, no joke, Bugis Street is very dark and messy. The people there are seriously ZOMG and the place is so big and messy that we got lost AGAIN. Basically, I saw a nice shirt but I decided to buy it later after I got my bermudas. But when I finally bought my bermudas, we couldnt find the store with the shirt anymore! GAHH. In the end, I found another shirt which is nice but not as good as the shirt. ): Oh well, better than nothing.

STJ coming up soon, and although I thought of what to buy for my very nice mortal, I havent bought it yet D: Sian! And I still dont know what to buy for my angel! Angel, please write to me so that I know what you want.

Anyway, after that, we went for FAC outing. It was OK I felt. However, it felt like it wasnt good enough. No, I appreciate the effort by all the Faculty Committee and Faculty Heads for organising such a major event and all, and I know the kind of difficulty they go through as seen from Andrea. However, I think it's abit weird. It's like want to high but not high enough, want to emo but also not emo enough. Oh well, good enough.

Hmm.... I feel like posting something on the class blog. But, aiya, dont want to become some AA kid or flirt or watsoever, sick of fake criticisms behind my back. Either say it to me so that I can clarify or say the truth. I am trying not to be bothered by it, very hard. But oh well, I have homework to numb myself. Prepare to congratulate me for the lousiest bio results in the whole school! THANKS.

Haiz, FML.

GAHH, I should be happy! I SHOULD, but I can't. Neither are the people around me. This sucks. Lollipop. Seriously. I am having second thoughts on Dance I/C. Don't feel like doing it anymore. HAIZ~

Ok, I better start on my work or I am dead tomorrow.

Alright, that's all for today,

I'm still breathing;
11:27 AM

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Hello people! (: Sorry for not blogging yesterday, reached home too late last night D:

Anyway, make up for yesterday!

For once I wanted to listen to Econs, but suddenly, our wonderful 'Excuse Me' Lecturer gone! D: Now its replaced by a monotonous but information filled lecturer. But I prefer the fun 'Excuse Me' one. :D

Training was next! Fun time diving for some reason. Yes, a lot of people hate diving because of the pain that comes after the save. But for some reason, I like that pain. It means I am close, it means I am ready for Nationals!!! HC FLOORBALL <3

After that, a specific someone very nicely wait for me to talk. Thank youuuu! Although the day didn't end well for you, but I managed to help with my psychic powers at the very least :) I am expecting a tag from you about this :D

Then, I went home with pig. Haha, calling my buddy a pig is so fun. HAHA. Because pig very sleepy, so I asked pig to sleep. I tried to sleep too, but now, the bus episode 3 starts. Some eccentric man was sitting behind us. My father called me and I saved my dad's contact as some weird name, and that man behind just read the name out loud. -.- That was still okay. Pig was sleeping on the edge of the seat because pig was very scared to sleep on me and trouble me so pig was quite near to falling. The man behind just started murmuring again:"Aiyo, want to sleep go back home and sleep la. Sleep here for what." Lucky, he never woke pig up, if not he will get it from me. And mind you, he is absolutely disgusting, he just burped out loud like consecutively 2 times behind me. If pig was awake, that man would be so dead. Pig and I add together is a force to be reckon. HAHA.


I felt super guilty for pang-seh-ing my TF the previous night when my TF needed help. I felt super lousy, but I didn't want to affect anyone, so I kept myself normal.

P.E. saved my day. The run around the school helped me let off some feelings at the very least. Anyway, thanks to daughter Ying Lin for giving encouragement during the run and sorry for dao-ing you. Very fillial ah you :)

After school was self-training. Quite pathetic, only J1s turned up today. Very sad. What happened to the bonded HC Floorball on the friendly against RV? Come on guys, Nationals coming up, dont lose focus. Let's see how we do for training tomorrow. I LOVE <3 HC FLOORBALL KAYS~

Then, went to chit-chat with TF again. Glad to know you better now. I shall try to apply more psychic in the future. Freak you out more. :P

Woo, life seems to be getting better, dont stop now. (: Anyway, 10S74 is getting better. (: Less division already and more <3 Mass Convo. Our best bonding medium. Haha, we even got class blog! :D Mass Convo which are super high is the <3!!! Hahaha. People, starting signing in your msn, and prepare to be entertained. (:

STJ coming up, need to buy present for angel and mortal. Sian, my angel never wrtie to me before, how? HOW? HOW?! SIAN.

Fac Outing tomorrow, I hope can get to enjoy it. I LOVE ARES. (:

Alright that's all for today
I try to update tomorrow if I am not too dead HAHA,

I'm still breathing;
12:05 AM

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

~ Wednesday ~

Hello people! :)

It's amazing I didn't sleep on the bus today despite having the chance to sit. :D Most probably because Ring Ding Dong's dance is too entertaining and kept rewatching it so that I can learn. Too bad I can't practise on the bus :P

First thing in the morning was Presidential Nominee's Q and A. Sian, I know none of them, so I have no idea who to vote for D: When they asked them to dance, I was damn happy because I wanted to choose the best dancer amongst them and vote that person. But they end up dancing some other weird dance that cannot prove anything. Haiz~ Tomorrow's elections confirm headache.

Then was PW. We had to bring some toy for show and tell. Haha, I end up digging out my Bomberman toy. And, OMG, got dust! I had to wipe it. ): Sian, I have not touched my toys for so long D: HAHA, oh well, shall leave it there for collection purposes. Maybe take out and wipe once in a blue moon. :P

Afterwhich was Econs tutorial! Haha, we (Wei Quan, Jonathan Voon, Jia Li and Clara) went to student's lounge to buy food to eat in Econ's tutorial. Haha, the teacher too nice liao, dont make use of it would be such a waste. HAHA :P In the end, Wei Quan, Jonathan and me end up playing some game to cure boredom in the lesson. It's like a 接龙game of movie names. E.g. How To Train A Dragon -> New Moon -> Ninja Assasin -> Etc. Haha, very lame but entertaining. :P

After that was break, when Jonathan and Wei Quan say want go play basketball. As I was bored, I agreed. Very fail. I have to say I cannot make it liao. Maybe it's too long never play. Maybe I not wearing PE. Maybe it's very hot. Or maybe, I am just finding excuses. Haha, rip this off from some commercial.

After school was self training. At least 3 people turned up. Trained A BIT before heading to Lounge to cool down again.

Then, made my way home sleeping soundly on the bus.

Anyway, somebody is very tired because somebody play very long today. So that somebody should rest today :D HEHE.

And for god sake, people, PAXTON IS A GUY AND SO AM I. -.- Haha, its called bromance and love for squadmates. Woo~ From now on, training everyday until nationals over. LET'S GO HC FLOORBALL :D

That's all for today,
See Ya~

I'm still breathing;
9:19 PM

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~ Tuesday ~

Hello people! :)

Wooo, its tuesday! I dont know why but I am very high. Maybe because I am feeling all sorts of emotions at once. EVERYTHING. The extreme sides of both ALSO HAVE. HAHAHA.

Anyway, to the main part of today we go! Training! :D Floorball trainings are still very tiring to me, but I am enjoying it. No idea why either. It's just something to look forward to for me. I just love the environment there and I love my teammates too. :) No matter how much we suan each other, we truly have love for each other as a team. There's a word for this...... the word is BROTHERHOOD. It's what makes us bonded as a team and be together as one throughout all the tough times we faced. It's because of brotherhood that allows us to trust each other. :D I LOVE HC FLOORBALL :D

After that, waited for some pig to finish CCA. HAHA. :P Apparently this pig scared of the dark! HAHA, had to go fetch this pig so that we can go home together. On the bus was some crazy times again. Haha, this piggy appparently feels I need to be taken care of and wants to auction me to girls. HAHAHA. Stupid piggy, want to tarnish my reputation make me sound so despo. HAHA.

This reminds me, I dont really care whether people think I am a flirt or not, but I seriously hope you wont think that way because that would be making false accusations. I dont flirt, I make friends and it just so happens that the class has more girls than guys, so the probabilty of making a friend of opposite gender is higher. SO THAT'S NOT FLIRTING -.-

I digress, sorry. ANYWAY, back to the crazy bus ride. Starting talking about how I should be advertised and if no one wants to claim it, I shall be given away for free. D: HAHA. Hehe, go home with this pig very fun. HAHAHAHA.

Weeeee, TF, I am high, can you sense it? Wait, everyone can. So no point using psychic. HAHAHA. Let me tell you how high I am, I purposely changed my relationship status to in a relationship with Paxton Chia Wei Xuan on Facebook. In case you havent realised, Paxton is a guy's name luh. HAHAHA. He is my best teammate ever in HC Floorball. Not saying the rest not good, but Paxton was DAMN NICE TO ME ON THE FIRST TRAINING ITSELF. So he got headstart. HAHAHA.

And what the hell, Paxton's friend actually thought that Zong Xian is a girl. -.- LIKE ZOMG LA!!! Still go ask Paxton whether wan go double/triple date and ask Paxton intro. Would be damn cool if she find out. Freak her out totally.

Alright, I shall leave the relationship status there until nationals over then I change back to my true one: Single. :D HAHA.

That's all for today,

I'm still breathing;
11:19 PM

Monday, April 12, 2010

~ Too Much For Me ~

Hi people!

Monday Blue's today! D:

I had Econ's tests in the morning! But guess what? I didnt touch anything Econs related yesterday night! Woohooo. Well, I promised my daughter Ying Lin to not give up, so I studied on the bus. A bad idea as it turned out to be. Although I had a seat, the long hours spent on reading Econs notes gave me motion sickness. I am not talking about just giddyness or dizziness. I am talking about major ones and those kind where you feel like puking. I kept taking small rest in between series. However, because of that, I didn't get to finish it D: And I had the dizziness throughout the day D:

Hence, the test totally killed me. I could only be able to do 10 marks. And I cannot gurantee those 10 marks. So good luck to me? HAHA.

Then there was Chem Lab! Best Chemistry Lab ever :D We get to try out our own experiment. And it WORKED!!!! Haha, uploading photoes on Facebook soon. Well, our chemistry project group can only be described with one word, ZHAI! HAHA. Too bad its not the project work group D: If not would be better (: Well, at least the experiment of ours was a great success. We would demonstrating to the class next week. Sure no problem one (:

After that was Econs Tutorial. I was not in the mood of listening so we(Wei Quan, Jonathan Voon and Me) started playing lame games behind the class. Haha, pure entertaintment. Oh well, I would start mugging Econs next time when I have the time :)

After that went home with Yuh Chyi! :D She's really someone who you can talk rubbish to. HAHA. But that's not saying I cant talk rubbish to other people luh! I have a lot of other more important people I can talk rubbish to :) So those people dont jealous :) Especially someone that I am about to talk to soon :D

And to that specific someone, how dare you kept something from me!!! Hmph, I would nag you later since I didnt had the chance just now. HAHA. PREPARE TO DIE! :P Joking joking, I wont kill you, too important to kill :] By the way, take care of yourself, don't always forget to eat and all, hear already very sad one leh :( Haha.

And my buddy, hoped you rest well today, and hope you remember to chiong homework. HAHA. :P

Now, its for something angsty. I dont really know what the hell do you want, and I am seriously not obliged to apologise to you first. Tell me to not do something and do it yourself, thanks a lot. I dont care if you get everyone on your side as long as those that I care for believe me. Just because I act as though I am fine and like nothing happened does NOT mean I know nothing and am not affected.  Don't worry if you dont know what I am talking about, it's probably not you, but if you think it's you, feel free to clarify with me. I rather settle the problem than let it go on, but I ain't going to initiate it. I am going to keep on smiling and trying, but rest assure, that's as far as I will go.

Sometimes I really can don't bother about stuff, but I choose to bother because I care. A part of Fort Minor's Believe Me's lyrics came to mind now: "I thought you were just like me, somebody who could see all the pain I see, but you prove to me unintentionally that you would self-destruct eventually. I thinking about the mistake that I make doesn't hurt, but it's not gonna work cos it's really much worse that I thought, I wish you were something you were not, now this guilt is really all that I've got. " It really applies now. But you proved me wrong. I am affected yes, but I am not showing it. But if you cross the line, then you are going to mess with a lot of stuff that you don't want to.

Perhaps I am just not as perfect as I hope I could be. No one can anyway, but I always try to change myself for people I care for. I have changed a lot, but my care for my friends never changed. It would remain that way. Those people who are close to me, you will always remain that way. Those people who were close to me, you will always remain in my heart. Those people who would become close to me, you will be just as important. Basically, everyone in life that had walked in and did not choose to walk out/ walked back in after you walked out, I bear no grudges you are forever my friends :)

I am still afraid to take the step because I am damn sure I will fail. So forget it, I would just let it remain that way, perhaps I would get used to it somehow, this kind of stuff I had experienced once before. It didn't kill me the first time, it wont kill me the second. :) I will continue smiling for the world IS a better place and that I have still so much reasons to smile for and live for.

There's training tomorrow, I look forward to it. I <3 HC Floorball :)


Alright, that's all for today,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
7:02 PM

Saturday, April 10, 2010

~ Once Again ~

Hello people!

It's Saturday today! By theory, it should be resting day. However, there was floorball training. It's getting harder and tougher each training but I am not giving up yet. Not when 'A' Div Nationals are so close.

Friendly with BLAST team today. ( Some damn pro team from outside. Team of our coach.) We lost miserably. 10-2 was the final score. Well, I know I shouldnt put it on myself but I felt that way for some reason. I felt like, if I was better, perhaps it would be a lot better and we could have higher chances of winning. Despite the encouragement from the team and the recognition from Caleb during debrief, I still felt missing somewhere, like I know the theory of everything but I can't seem to apply it D: Well, I have decided to go for Nationals as a goalkeeper instead of player-reserved keeper. Mostly for the convenience and the best for the team. However, also, I won't get to play much as a player anyway. So I shall convert to outfield player only after the Nationals. When we select a proper goalkeeper after it, I shall full time train myself and help the new keeper. :]

After that, I rushed home to bathe and change for 黄城夜韵 2010. It was pretty entertaining and touching. But too bad, I still didn't tear. Perhaps its just hard for me to ever cry huh? Haha, I realised I have been on verges of tears before but I have never really cried for a loooooong time. Let's hope it remains that way. :D After the show, we(Yong Liang, Chong We and me) went to find the people we know that were performing or helping the show. As we were waiting for Shien Yang, one of the actors, to appear, I spotted my buddy! Haha, so I chase after her and passed her the flower. Then, we chit-chatted a bit before I found Yong Liang and Chong We again. Then, Kai Rou mommy appeared :D and I passed her her flowers. Then talk more rubbish before she made her way back to backstage to clean up the props and prepare for the nightshow. And some friend of hers suddenly pop out of nowhere and called me. And not by my name, EPIC. Haha, she called me, "You are Kai Rou's friend right?" Like speechless.... First I was Hazel's friend/boyfriend and then, Kai Rou's friend. What next, my buddy? HAHA.

After that we made our way home. Chong We decided to alight earlier to go for a walk so as to release some of his stress and emotions i suppose. Well, not like I can do much about it. After that, I took a seat when Yong Liang alighted. And I fell asleep, like TOTALLY FELL ASLEEP. Woke up way past my station at Chua Chu Kang. -.- Damn embarassing can? Zzz.....

Then, while I was waiting for a bus, I realise the true problem of my emotional turmoils. After I talked to my friends about it, I felt better and I thought I am fine already, but what really happened was just temporary and when I am alone and I start thinking, everything hits me again. Haiz, I hate myself for that. I know I will fail once again if I try again, so I decided to just let the feelings past and just wait for it rekindle again or something, or perhaps I would just be the guardian angel behind the scene kind of thing.

Oh shit, this is bad, I am getting more emo as my blog continues. GAHHHH, school should start soon so that I dont have to keep thinking so much... :/ DAMN IT. I need an accident to clear my memories, to give me a fresh new start.

I need to talk, but I don't feel like talking to anyone. Contradicting feelings. Perhaps I am afraid of disturbing people again, all those insecurity bullshit of mine again. Maybe I am just born paranoid and over-sensitive. Anyway, this reminds me THANK YOU WEI XIAN FOR LETTING ME CALL YOU TO CHAT :] It really helped a lot to hear from you, and it has been a while since we talked before that call. So yea, I miss you good friend (:

YAY, I ended my blogpost with a non-emo ending. HAHA.
Alright, that's all for today,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
11:10 PM

Friday, April 9, 2010

~ Thoughts Provoking ~

Hello people! :)


But not really a good day for me because I am having injuries everywhere D: My two knees are injured from kneeling and running too much. AND my right wrist too. It's strained and stiff. :(

Anyway, I am glad to say that I have finally paid attention fully during Biology lecture :D HAHA >.< I sound damn slack. Oh well,  I am... :P

After that was PE. It was some run around the school to 'prepare' us for 2.4km. Like 2.4 has slopes. TOTALLY. Oh well... training nonetheless. Halfway through the run, a girl from the floorball team overtook me and told me to jiayou. WTS!!!! Damn embarrassing, I was telling my class's guys and they all starting saying I left my dignity at the place she overtook me ): Sian, I want a re-run!!!!! After the run was Chin-ups. I surprised myself at the station. HAHA, I did 7 or 8( Sorry STM, forget liao ><) I could have done more if not the the wrist. DAMN IT.

GP tutorial was as usual, the atmosphere was very dry.

Maths lecture! Forget to bring notes, STM LAHHHHH!!!! Hate it when I want to listen but can't. Haiz~

PW was to find some solution to propose the girlfriend via the computer. o0 Very weird. But yea, everyone was suppose to come up with something. So I searched through my memory bank and remembered some very cool scene from the MV 搞砸了:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lf_vx-fX_4 Hence, I came up with this. Send an email with 2 attachments: Firstly, the first attachment would be of the guy going to all the places that him and his girlfriend have visited together before and had memories left there. And take a photo holding an alphabet at everyone of the photoes so that when you put all the alphabets together, you get: WILL YOU MARRY ME? Then, the 2nd attachment of it would be a video of him kneeling down and presenting the ring to the screen saying: Will you marry me? Then, the email must have some mushy mushy stuff lah. >.< In the end, our PW group just improvised on it and added a diary of the things that had happened there before. Haha, I feel like doing that if I am going to propose to my girlfriend next time, then, instead of filming video, I appear out of nowhere! HAHA. :P

After PW was Contact Time. A talk on love, relationship and all the rubbish. Like anyone can define love. Since everyone has a different take on it, I am going to give my own: Love is about accepting the flaws of the other half and taking it as their strengths. Basically, it means accepting your loved ones for who they are. :] Well, there was this talk about first time impressions on looks and all. Yes, I suppose looks do fuel some courage to make us what to know more about the good-looking person, but what will eventually cause us to fall for the person would be the person's character! And to clarify something, guy's dont really go for looks to talk to the girl because if the girl is very good-looking, the guy will feel to shy and insecure to talk to the girl. So yea, dont misunderstand us :D Anyway, I truly believe and agree that when guys for relationships, the character is the most important while the good-looks? Just a bonus :) Oh well, but who am I to say so much about love when I have never gotten into a relationship before? HAHA. Especially when I can't even climb out of the failure of it. I dare not love. :( Haiz~ 

Anyway, I am missing Cat High more and more as Fridays come. I used to be the most busy and entertained during fridays but now, Fridays seem to be the most boring day after school for me D: This is bad, I need to find something to do fast on friday! Oh well, on a lighter note, I got a new phone :) I am still trying to explore and master the phone. Let's see how long I take. HAHA.

Alright, that's all for today,
TA-TA for now.
And note to everyone, don't be like me,

I'm still breathing;
10:31 PM

Thursday, April 8, 2010

~ RANT ~

Hey people!

Life's is becoming very tiring for me now. I feel so sleepy even when I am blogging. ZOMG, I NEED TO SLEEP!!! :(

Anyway, I am here to rant today. About? Well, about life. >< Many things happened to me throughout this few months. And today, was the worst I had ever felt. I dont want to name anyone because I dont hate people, but I get irritated at people. So now, I am currently irritated. I feel that if you want to make fun of people or anything, I feel that you should make sure you are able to take the joke before doing so. Basically, I mean dont ask people to not do something, but end up doing it yourself. It irks me a lot because I feel that then one shouldnt even criticise in the first place. Look, if you want to make fun of me, make sure you are able to take the joke when I put it back on you. Because I lived past it and thus, I have the right to do back at you. D0nt tell me that of what reasons you are unable to take it, when I have went through it. Its called having a taste of how it feels. Furthermore, if you ask me not to do something, dont do the same thing yourself! It irritates me a lot to see such a scene. Yes, I can take jokes and criticisms, but make sure you are able to take the same jokes and do what you criticised me about.

Anyway, I never judged people by their past. That's because I myself have bad records in my past before, so I clearly know what not to do. I give people the benefit of the doubt of them changing for the better.

*heaves a sigh of relief*
Finally got that out. Although not many people would see this, but at least I know there will be a some readers out there that might be able to empathise with me.

Oh well, now, I want to talk about self-centered people in society nowadays.


Sometimes, a little gesture like a smile or even sitting properly could make people's day and make their lives easier. For example, when you are on the bus, dont take up 2 seats by spreading your legs wide and taking to other people's place. Some might say that it is inconsideration that I am talking about. However, I feel that inconsideration comes from being self-centered and not caring for others, which is fundamentally, the same.

This reminds of something Wei Quan was talking to me about. The reason why we are alike to people is because, our attitudes towards life are the same. We dont live for ourselves. No, seriously, I live for my friends and loved ones. I try to make sure that I can always be there for them when they need me. And that's how Wei Quan feel too. Hence, it's no surprise that we actually dislike self-centered people. Well, I am not trying to say that I am some perfect guy that gives perfect advices on stuff, but I daresay this, I can provide you with a listening ear and tell you what I would do if I am in your shoes. Thus, dont be afraid to talk to me if you're troubled, I would try my best to help you. :) And I believe Wei Quan has the same feelings.

Anyway, it's time for me to sleep. I have ranted enough. So on a lighter note, I hope everyone that is reading this is more entertained by it rather than affected by it, because I hope I dont affect people negatively, I hope I can always make people happy. So please, dont be affected by the mood of the post because I am really fine. (:

Alright, that's all for today,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
11:12 PM

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

~ An Ended Steak ~

Hey people!

Sorry, I have been having back-to-back games and trainings so I was too tired to blog. I had a game today against RV too, but I am just too high, so here I am! But I am going to keep this short because I need some sleep. :P

Alright, we had a friendly against RJ on Monday. The game ended abruptly because Derek collapsed. Basically, he have some health condition. However, despite that, he chose to run with the team during the warm-up run which he shouldnt. After that, he didnt feel very well but decided to continue with the game. Hence, halfway between the game, he collapsed to the ground due to minor fits. Why am I saying this? It's because Derek had always said the team wasn't bonded enough and we weren't focused enough. Hence, he decided to push himself further, almost causing him his health and body. However, this caused the team to become focused and more determined to win after seeing Derek's efforts.

Now to today's game. Well, obviously stated, Derek's unfit for the time being to play in an actual match hence, I took over his position to start. The game was tough for the outfield players as I saw them fought for every possesion. It was really heartwarming to see. Because of that and Derek's motivation and plight, I told myself not to flinch at the ball. I won't say I played very well today because I still let in goals, but I daresay I outplayed myself by diving more and becoming more daring. The team fought hard and strong, thus, a well-deserved win was more than welcome. And that was exactly what we got and we ended our losing streak. Although it's not against a particularly strong opponent but, victory was just too sweet. I couldnt help it but shouted, " WE FINALLY WON!" I was very happy to see that our efforts during training and physical paid off in the match. However, HC Floorball Team, let's not get too carried away. That's only one opponent and they are just as new as us. Also, we still have a long way to go: A'Div Nationals. Let's keep up the momentum and win this.

Life is geting better, let's hope it gets even better from here. :)

That's all for today,
See ya!

I'm still breathing;
10:56 PM

Saturday, April 3, 2010

~ Sec 4 Clique Outing ~

Hey people! :)

I had goalkeeper training today! Anyway, an update on my floorball status. I am currently a player. Some of you must be bewildered. Well, put it simply, I am a field player AND a reserved goalkeeper. I am there just in case Derek gets injured during the game and I shall take over then. So I am very happy that I finally get the chance to play on the field and prove my worth in the team even more. Also, giving more to this team which I truly enjoy being in. :) So yea, back to training. Well, I have to say, my legs are just pretty only good at running only. I cant seem to get them to work during goalkeeping. HAHA, oh well.... train harder :D

After that, I left early to meet my friends from CHS! Well, I didnt lie to my coach, I told him I am meeting my friends. XD I just didnt tell him what I was doing after I meet them, which was watching the movie: "Clash Of The Titans 3D", :P. I have to say if you wear specs, dont watch 3D movies, the 3D glasses are VERY IRRITATING. I had to adjust it throughout the whole movie. Anyway, the movie was pretty good despite me being late, I could still understand the plot. I wont spoil it for you guys who still want to watch it, so dont worry, I would just give a brief introduction. It's about how this guy, a demi-god of Zeus, set out on a journey against gods, especially Hades. Throughout the journey, he went through a lot of tough 'monsters' Pretty much Greek Mythology stuff. So those not interested in that, this movie is totally not for you. HAHA.

After the movie, we went to LAN. Like totally lame, but I just followed. HAHA. Played Left 4 Dead 2. End up teaming with everyone without experience, I wasn't very good myself. So the result was pretty much predictable, we lost. :S

After that, KT insisted that we played Truth Or Dare just to rip everyone off, especially Wei Kit. That's not saying I wasn't ripped off hard too. -.- Totally stupid, had to start stating all the crushes -.- Well, the only funny thing that happened was I had a photo with Wei Kit that looked like we were kissing lips to lips. Too bad, it's not. HAHA, I was kissing my own thumbs :D So first kiss not gone yet. HAHA. :P

Anyway, I think I must be super tired today, I walked into the wrong gender's toilet by accident today >< VERY THROW FACE CAN? Luckily notice in time and didn't go in too far. -.-

Then, we just talk a lot more crap about Jason's relationship status and then left for home. Haiz, Jason, join the single's club! HAHA. :P

I didnt really leave for home, I went to Causeway Point to check my phone's contract. As you all know, my sms burst by ALOT. So I went to try to upgrade my phone's contract to unlimited sms. But apparently, the people at Singtel say I was A YEAR TOO YOUNG. I had to be 18. I am 17 this year... Seriously..... -.- In the end, I just asked my dad to make a trip there tomorrow to deal with that. 

I still have to buy my stick tomorrow so as to make it in time for Monday's friendly match against RJC. HAHA, first time field player. Hope can win, although, the hope is kind of er.... fading? HAHA. And in any case, the money in my pocket is BURNING. Let's hope HC's floorball team make it to at least the quarter finals and get Top 4. Then, it will be set up as a 1st CCA and we can get more funds. :) 

Woo~ I still have all my work unfinished,
So that's all for today,

I'm still breathing;
8:28 PM

Welcome To My Life.
Greenwoodian of 1I and 2A to 6A ' 00-05.
I was a CHS 'gentleman' of 1-4,2-4,3-9 and 4-9' 06-09.
I am now a HC-ian of 10S74 and OG34.
I am in HC Floorball <3 .

Being Direct.
The Great Escape.
10S74 [HC]
Azilah [HC]
Cynthia [GWP]
Desmond Chan [CHS]
Hoi Yan [HC]
Hui Ern [GWP]
Jane [HC]
Jing Hui [GWP&HC]
Jonathan Voon [HC]
Joven [HC]
Jun Rong [CHS]
Justin Ong [HC]
Ngiap Seng [CHS&HC]
Roy Goh [CHS]
Wei Jie [CHS]
Yong Liang[CHS&HC]
Yuh Chyi [HC]
Zi Yan [HC]

Thanks For The Memories.
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
February 2012
March 2012
January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

Famous Last Words.
layout by bitterswt
others; * * * *