Thursday, March 26, 2009

~ Am I That Pathetic? ~


Today, read a story written by Roah Dahl, give to us by e.h. This story narrates someone who got spite into betraying his best friend, who is a lady, and embarass her by showing everybody a picture of the lady in undergarment. I found it idiotic. This main character, protagonist, was stupid enough to fall into the trap laid by his friend and yet he was smart enough to come up with a plan. o0 What kind of brain does this guy have?

Anyway, back to myself. Today, of all misfortune, my pants split. In the end, I spent the entire time looking for a pants. Thankfully, Sheng Kai lent me his p.e. shorts so I borrowed it. Thanks man! =) After that, I went to l.f. class for chinese. Really cool. I walked in and heard her asking the class about meanings to chinese idioms. When I walked in, I immediately answered the question, so I got to sit down. Haha, cool!

Then, came maths test. I am like, SCREW IT. I studied for it, and guess what? When I reached the period, I realised I did not know how to do it. In short, mental blackout. In the end, when she went through the paper, I realised it was so god damn easy. Haiz~

Then, I went with Da wei to " play" basketball. Notice, I use inverted commas. I was chased off the court for not having a black school team shirt and Da wei just borrowed one from one of them. Am I that pathetic that I couldn't even help? Nevermind, perhaps brushing up my skills would help. =/

When I went home, I ate dinner. Then, my father started PREACHING me. I am like, er....., I AM EATING, CAN'T YOU DON'T PREACH ME WHEN I AM EATING? Haiz, looks like my world is crumbling again.

I'm still breathing;
6:21 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

~ Basketball ~


Today, I am very regretful to say, I skipped English. Immediately after Physics, me and Dawei ran immediately.

Next, we went to search for a ball. Took quite some time before I found the idiot who took it. Played a idiotic full court game which ended with Zhi You injured. Then, Kun Liang came in. Me, being determined to humiliate him on the court for jacking me for something, I marked him personally. We won 11-4 for the half court game.

After that, we went to the outdoor court. Played a lot of half court games, then, this KP-kia came in and asked, " Got slot for us?" We just let him and his friend play. If I did not hear wrongly from Xu Song, his name is called Xi Yun or sort. Basically, let's sidetrack abit to why I call him a KP-kia.

It was a few months back, before I started blogging. He came in and ask if he could played. Being quite a sporty person, I did not object to it. Hence, he played. So, I strolled towards him with the ball, and he stole it away. I was like, oh okay, he stole the ball. Then, he dribbled past and the most important part here, he MISSED! Okay, then he turned around and called me a noob. Cool eh? I did not say a single thing and there he was, NOOB!. So I got pissed. He then, CLAIM that he is Kobe Bryant and can easily OWN me. I did not feel like playing serious that day, so I did not do anything to him. However, today was different. I was pumped-up.

Hence, I took note of him. That KP-kia, managed to lose about 5 balls to me? Some to Dawei. And the best thing was he IMPROVED. Last time, his shooting rate was 10 balls, 1 ball never air-ball.( For basketball amateurs, it means not even touching the board or the rim, which means WAY OFF.) Now, his shooting rate is 10 balls 1 ball go in, rest air-ball. WOW. Not bad luh, clapp for him, HE IMPROVED. Haha, just being lame here XD. When I got the ball, this time, I swore to myself if I do not show him what I can do, I would quit basketball. Guess what? I sort of ankle-break him.( Ankle-break means you dribble the ball and make the defensive opponent fall or almost fall.) Due to me seeing his clumsy body falling, I could not help it but grinned, which caused me to miss my shot =/ If that went in, I would be like KOBE BRYANT GOT OWNED. Haha. Basically, I got my revenge. If he ever pisses me off again, I would be sure to score after the ankle-break. =)

So, that ends my post for today
See ya!~

I'm still breathing;
6:58 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009

~ Interesting Yet Boring ~

Hi! It's has been quite some time eh?

Nothing much happen today except this big-postition guy came to our school to give a lecture. It was boring and interesting at the same time. The interesting part was that we get to know how law and order functions in our country, so in case, anything happen, we know what to do.

Then, it was Q & A. Want to guess who asked first? Of course, it must be this attention seeker, Foo Rong Xuan. Cool, likes seeking attention for the sake of it. Haiz, asked a question related to him. He asked," I thought there was like leniency towards mental cases?" It's like, WOW! You are making plans already! =X Then, came a 4-6 guy. Asked a quite serious question in comparison with other countries.

Then, this m.f. had to spoil it. Mitchel Tan. Ask some retarded question," So if the supreme court has the authority to override the decisions made by the subordinate court, then, doesn't it make the subordinate court pretty unfair or somewhat along that line?" I mean like, HELLO?????? Subordinate court is called a subordinate court for a reason right??? Of course might make wrong decision right? You can think of such high-level, yet you could not think any further? Two words for this guy: retarded shit.

However, this sets me thinking abit too far though. If a guy have s*x with a girl without consent is rape, what if, IF, IF, IF, a girl forces a guy? Hmmmm, anyway that was random XD. Then , I thought, could you appeal for a case that happened like 30 years ago? I mean, if it was so long. Now then you try to fight for the case. Kind of weird huh??

Anyway, this talk sure made me very interested in the Law, I mean being a lawyer of course, since I kind of like arguing myself. =)

So basically, that ends my post for today.

See ya~

I'm still breathing;
7:20 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

~ Sinful Day ~

So it begins, I woke up at 7.30. Then, I switched on my phone. First thing I saw, Yan Dawei.
" Can come earlier mah?"
" I dam bored"
"But I eating bfast!"
" Just come earlier la you slut. Can?"
"Cn. You whore."
" Fucking Biach"

Then, I went there 30 mins earlier just to accompany that humji guy. After that, Benny came, in slippers and normal shorts. The first reaction was WTF? I thought we were going out and we were going bowling! After much enquiry, we found out that he brought socks. =.= Then, we were like saying, " why Xu Song so late? Suan liao, his birthday present we throw away!" After that, we started the ridiculous rant about the impossible stuff we would buy for him. E.g. BMW car, a house, a condominiun. Everything basically which is at least 5 figures. So it went on until he came.

Next, Da Wei suggested going Chambers, a LAN shop. So we went. Played Counter Strike first, and I got owned basically. Hmph. Then, we played some weird FPS game which made me felt like vomiting after awhile as the screen kept moving very fast. Then, Left 4 Dead! Lol, we basically sucked as we were first time players. Still we manage to get quite far though. =) After that, Da Wei went to Plaza Singapura for something, while we ate at MacDonalds.

Then, we played bowling. Sorry to say it, but I sucked. T.T Got owned again. Looks like basketball is the only thing that I am talented in. =X

After that, we watched the movie Push. I am rating it 8/10. -1 for the length and the fact that not a lot of people came to watch. Another -1 for the coldness of the cinema, I was frozen throughout. Still, this movie is very interesting.

Let me give a brief summary: The story begins with a small boy being brought into a hotel room by his father. His father then told him some rather peculiar instructions at the start but it made sense in the middle though. Then, his father uses his "ability" which was to manipulate items without touching it. He pushes his son to some place to hide, then, he fights with the enemy and eventually, died. Then, he grows up and became a gambler. He fails badly as he could not control his " abilities" properly. So he got beaten up. Next, a group came and searched his house. Followed by a young girl, who is a "watcher" which means she can see the future and thus, change it. So, it goes on with the girl entrusting a misson and they fight against two enemies at the same time: the China government who wants to gain power from this "case" they were fighting for and the US government who wants to make a supernatural army with this " case". I am not going to spoil for people who have not watched. So, please do watch the movie to find out more. =)

Hence, I went home after the movie. I took a bus home and guess what? The bus conductor scolded me for cutting the queue or something( I was listening to music so I didn't really paid any attention to her.). Hmph, like I did anything of sort. Oh well, reached home and basically thats the end.

Hope you enjoyed the brief summary of the movie,
Please do watch it, I think it is worth the money and time,
So thats all for now,
See ya!

I'm still breathing;
8:24 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009

~ Bitchy People Much ~

Yo! I am back again ><

Today, went to school too early. End up playing basketball with Zhi You and Gar Wye. Halfway through, they started arguing and fighting for no reason. Haiz~

Went for Physics, did the paper from Anderson. Mistakes a lot in the paper. Sohai. In the middle of the paper, I adjusted the time to give us 4 minutes more. Haha, thank me man! Good computer skills FTW~

After that, Chemistry paper. Haiz, finish already then, the q.y.r must bitch. Okay, if you continue to talking, I shall purposely drag the time. In my head I was thinking" If you want to be a bitch, so be it." =/ Sorry for the excessive use of vulgaritives nowadays, but I was seriously pissed.

After Chemistry, I went to eat with Desmond, Wei Xian, Clarence CHIA and Desmond's friend. We discussed about the classic unlucky situation. So here goes," Walk to school, fall down in drain. Climb up the drain, a car drove past and splashed the puddles of water onto you. Walking inside MRT, a guy sneeze with a mouthful of water right onto your face." Classic.

After that, went home. For some reason, I am feeling very irritated. =/ Must be q.y.r's fault. Stupid b*tch.

So Signing Off Irritatedly,
See Ya!~

I'm still breathing;
3:47 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

~ I Made A Decision ~

Heyhey! Today was fun.~

Went to Sembawang for basketball. I promised to reach at 8a.m, i woke up at 7.50 a.m. Stupid alarm clock =/ Went there, played an exciting full court match with the Philipinos. Scored about 4 points? Lol? They too pro le la, i cannot do anything except play my defense better. =/ If not for Dawei, i think we lose le lor. Hehe, obviously stated, we won =)

After that, went to some random court nearby. Played horse. Almost win T.T Vincent go do all the weird pattern, then, I being a beginner cannot do =/ Then, play "Pressure" Damn it, I lose by A BIT ONLY.

Then, with Bryan and Dawei, went to the coffee shop nearby to eat. We made our way to the MRT station after our meal. Along the way, we keep talking about thomas. I go imitate him, then, they say I sound damn like him. LOL. Stone a bit in front of the entrance. After that, go in. Then, I made my way home.

Haiz, we decided to go out on Wednesday instead, due to somebody's cca. =/

Thats all folks,
See ya~

I'm still breathing;
2:15 PM

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

~ UPs and DOWNs of Life ~

firstly, i wan to give congratulations to my er jie! she is getting married on 1 may 2009. wakaka, some ppl becoming old le. =x go tell er jie fu all ur secrets >.<

secondly, i wan to complain about l.a.l. i officialy declare her a bitch. she asked me do a question. so before doing it, i wanted to clarify some things with wen hao. and she had to bitch about it. FUCK OFF L.A.L and go teach ur tution class man!( sry about the vulgaritives, but i am pissed.)

next, i wan to encourage da wei! DA WEI, JIA YOU! prove to p.l.c.t that ur L1R5 can OWN. make him DIAM DIAM. i support u, gogogogo! dont emo le!

lastly, i wan to declare myself broke. i am going out(most likely) on monday! $$ fly away~~~ T.T

after so much, i realised that, i really need to study for my o'lvls. so pray for me, my heart goes to you guys too! =)

thats all folks,
see ya~

I'm still breathing;
9:30 PM

Monday, March 9, 2009

~ UPs & DOWNs of Life ~

Hi! Long time no Blog~ haha, finally back from hardcore gaming for a while. haiz, kinda disappointed on my results so went to emo and slit wrist, ah!!!!!!!!!! Just Kidding!

Physics: 25/50 ( kind of a miracle that i passed seeing that i study so little ><)
Chemistry: 23/40 ( could have done better T.T)
Geography: 12.5/25 ( I emo-ed an entire day over this.)
Combine Humanities: SS: 19/25 ( TOP IN CLASS!!! WOOT) History: 20/25 ( Not bad!)
English: 63/100 ( surprised for this one =D )
Higher Chinese: 69/100 ( 1 mark to A2 T.T)
E-Maths: 12/30 ( if not for my a-maths, i would also emo the whole day la, still nvr study for this one anyway)
A-Maths: 21/30 ( Expected =x)

my L1R5 was about.... 21 ya, i noe it sucks anyway. =/

after much thought, i decided that i am gonna take up " breaking" after O' levels. ya, i noe i will suck at it, still, worth learning eh?

16 march is xs's bdae, have to go out, best part: spent about $40. sianzzz, so much money laaaaaaaaaaa........

e.h. today quite funny sia. early morning, he forgotten that he swapped lessons with physics to prepare for O'level SPA. he come here, then he was like," oh my god, so where am i suppose to be?" then our class shouted," BREAKFAST!!" then he was," oh, kay. =D" LOL! thats the kind of teacher man!

after that, phy SPA. can just cry la. a.w. come beside me keep smiling, i was like OMG, WAD DID I DO WRONG???!?!?! if i am not wrong, i didnt do anything wrong =.= so i assumed that she smiled for no reason =/ how lame can she get man.

then, rain. it just had to rain. rain= no bball... so walk home, saw desmond and kiap. went to eat with them. on the way, saw FU RONG XUAN. i was like utterly embarrassed at his loud speech. haiz~ thereafter, i just went home =/.

thats all folks, sorry for the abrupt ending ><
see ya ~

I'm still breathing;
8:21 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

~ -ve MoNeY dAy ~

today wake up late cos ytd sleep too late. hahahax

reach school, first thing go see benny play psp. after that, maths test get back e-maths.
see the paper, 12/30. WTF???? i careless for every SINGLE question. is like damn it, could have gotten A. after that, she say give out a-maths. i was like YES YES, then xu song was like NO NO. in the end get back, he get 15/30 i get 21/30. haha, he was like OMG, I TOT SINGLE DIGIT. lucky he chiong the last question in 5 mins, then get 1 mark. haha

after that, physics, i was like FAIL. guess what? 25/50 just nice pass. hahaha, but i got the right answer but wrote the wrong one for 2 marks T_T could have done better.

after that, me,benny, xu song, yao qi and tian hao all go buy bag tgt. in the end, i bought 2 with some help. one small one big. haha, sound like gambling >.<

alright, i still got homework to do,
thats all folks,
see ya~

I'm still breathing;
7:05 PM

Welcome To My Life.
Greenwoodian of 1I and 2A to 6A ' 00-05.
I was a CHS 'gentleman' of 1-4,2-4,3-9 and 4-9' 06-09.
I am now a HC-ian of 10S74 and OG34.
I am in HC Floorball <3 .

Being Direct.
The Great Escape.
10S74 [HC]
Azilah [HC]
Cynthia [GWP]
Desmond Chan [CHS]
Hoi Yan [HC]
Hui Ern [GWP]
Jane [HC]
Jing Hui [GWP&HC]
Jonathan Voon [HC]
Joven [HC]
Jun Rong [CHS]
Justin Ong [HC]
Ngiap Seng [CHS&HC]
Roy Goh [CHS]
Wei Jie [CHS]
Yong Liang[CHS&HC]
Yuh Chyi [HC]
Zi Yan [HC]

Thanks For The Memories.
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
February 2012
March 2012
January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

Famous Last Words.
layout by bitterswt
others; * * * *