Friday, February 27, 2009

~ Prelim 1 OVER ~

woot, prelim ONE officially over! Song song!

at first, i tot i screwed up my chinese, guess what? 69 POINTS!!! den, l.d.w promised to help me get one more mark. YES HE ROX

after that, went to find jared. ask him to do a breaking move: Flare. tmd, ask him do 1 thing like going to ask for his life like dat.

going home that time, we as in my wx and nicc, wanted to eat. then, i tried to ask them to play at a higher lvl, however, i phrased it wrongly. they had to make a BIG FUSS out of it. ya ok, since you made a big fuss out it, i shall make one too. so dont come and oi dont like that leh. yes, i made a big fuss, so? like u didnt? if you dont like my attitude, then now is a chance, go away. if you can take it, then continue the friendship which i will cherish.

after that, went home. knnccb, my mother go scan my wallet for no fking reason. asshole la. seriously, she really need to know wats PRIVACY.

thats all for today i guess,
see ya~

I'm still breathing;
8:43 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

~Prelim 1: Day 4~

zzzz, prelim 1 is like ups and downs la......
Chinese paper = screwed, many were saying going y.l class liao.
Chem and SS paper= easy like siao
Geog and Phy paper= BOTH SCREWED! knn, geog LORMs question i only 1 paragraph, NO TIME ah!!!!

lol, today j.t suddenly call us go bonzai garden, everybody was like, SHIT DIE!!! in the end, tok to us abit then, finish liao. after that, went to house meeting, screwed like siao pls. a.k nvr say release then all of us zhao, then she scold us. i felt like shouting," OI, U OSO NVR SAY CANNOT RELEASE RIGHT?" haiz~ kept in check.

went j8 with desmond, nicc haw and jun rong for lunch, then look around for new bag. got a few choices liao weeeeee...... once i have enough money, then is BUYING TIME!!!!!

wakakaka, save so long, finally can use le. =)

thats all folks,
see ya~

I'm still breathing;
8:56 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

~ Following Blindly Is Bad ~

today father early morning go out, leave me alone at home. First thing i did..... play~! Haha, i went Dota~ing. For about 2 games? then, went back to studying though.

after that go for tution. i officially declare i am going to quit this tution. this happened: chemistry prelim 1 coming up, so i brought chem stuff to study there. i did the TYS and then, got some questions don't know how do. i asked her if she can teach me and emphasise that there were quite a lot of questions.

she replied like this," oh. then you ask me the one that you dont understand the most". she explain liao then you know what she do? she walk behind go teach the person behind me for 5 times the amount of time she spent on my question. nvm, that was fine. after that, because she waste time on the person behind me, she RELEASE US LATE and cause me to miss my bus. like can she go to hell and stay there. Final straw man, I AM QUITTING ALWAYS RELIABLE TUTION CENTRE. ALWAYS RELIABLE MY FOOT!

it was because of zhi hong that i stayed at that tution, but sry no more, this is o'lvl year, i not interested in your bull shit. so SEE YA!

to make up for the time lost, i have to mug like siao now.

so that's all,
see ya!~

I'm still breathing;
5:53 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

~ Lovely Day ~

today chinese is dam lame =.= i sit there and stone for like how 1+ hours. then, l.f tell us go up. then, at 10.05, she say those ppl from 4-10 can go. her back turn only ah, me, xusong and kai loon run out. LOL

after went to play bball against joseph, shawn chiam and da wei. bloody da wei bully me T.T zhai kia den come and own me, arsehole XD

then went for tution, saw wan zheng already there, say her clock spoil. =.= after that, release liao walk her through the rain to the shelter. then, wait with her till she see her 司机 come. he was already there, just she nvr see =.=. after that, seeing that it was raining, i jogged back home. one word to describe the feeling: SHIOK!

reach home and mug,mug,mug,mug and mug. =/

prelims period, might not be posting for a while. i repeat MIGHT.

~thats all folks
see ya! ~

I'm still breathing;
3:08 PM

Friday, February 20, 2009

~Prelim 1: Day 1~

prelim 1, day 1. i wonder if screwed up my essay.... i wrote 4 pages, if screw up, i will break down sia... comprehension, 2 marks fly le T.T how? my english like..... haiz, guess i just have to make it up by mugging more on the other subjects =/

this morning, l.d.w came up to announce about chinese lesson. (translation here) he said, today prelim 1, so tmrs chinese lesson..... (ok lets pause here. logically, it should go like this, tmr no chinese lesson! )however..... tmr will have chinese lesson @#%^@&#%^@#%&@... wtf man!

after the paper, e.h let us watch some musical, quite interesting imo.

after school, played bball full court again ^^ if count score, we win i think =x my dribbling really suck today, hmmm.... should do something about it.

called weixian to ask him going home tgt, end up he halfway towards j8 le.... in the end, i ran to chase up with them. felt like an idiot =.= saw t.oreos wif him, ate together, then went popular see if can find his SEXY file. in the end, gone liao. so went home...

things just get better and better in life huh?

~ thats all folks
see ya! ~

I'm still breathing;
8:53 PM

Thursday, February 19, 2009

~Pre-Prelim Day a.k.a HBL~

i am about 12-14 hours away from prelim 1. STRESS!!! T.T

today was HBL day. for non-chs-ers, it means we dont go to school and we access school through the internet at home. supposedly, it was suppose to give us time to study for our prelim, honestly, no bull shit, it didnt help. =.=

niccholas promised to come at 7.30 a.m. , i expected him to be late and i was not disappointed. he reached my house at about 7.55 a.m. then, he went out to buy a 1.5L coke, hersheys chocolate and cup noodle. after that, we tried to do the work, ended up giving up halfway through the maths paper, it was dam hard.... we finished at around 1.40. i played a DOTA game at 3, T.T, i couldnt take it anymore.....

went to play bball at around 4 with him. scouted around woodlands just to find an empty court =.= . after that, bought some dinner, went home.

Prelim 1 is tomorrow, tomorrow is Prelim 1.

Sec 4 Life~

thats all for now,
see ya! ~

I'm still breathing;
7:26 PM

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

~Unlucky Day~

Zzzzz, i seriously ran out of luck today man.

Incident 1: me and xu song decided to meet in the canteen for breakfast together. guess what?
i reached school at 7.20 a.m. xu song left the canteen at 7.20 a.m. is like..... haiz.

Incident 2: i had cca training today. as i was rushing the social studies essay to 12 midnight, i forgot to pack my stuff and left my no.4 long pants at home. =/

Incident 3: i was in the canteen, going to like put the plate back at the stall. then, joel, my junior, came out of nowhere. to evade him, i poured some curry sauce onto my uniform
and hand.

Incident 4: in my enthusiasm to go home to mug, i left my uniform in my cca store.

haiz, this sucks. is like 4 incident in a day. with the increasing amount of workload, i wonder when will i every break free of this life? thankfully, home-based learning tomorrow, no need to go school, stay at home and study! supposedly, my parents were going out, however, after knowing that i will be left alone, they decided that my father will not be going out. reason? they dont trust me.... is like i am SEC 4 NOT PRIMARY 4. goodness sake, i can take care of myself already, i dont need my parents to supervise my work. despite that, someone said that he will still be coming, wonder if he will disappoint me again.....

~chionging work currently~

thats all for today folks,
see ya! ~

I'm still breathing;
9:01 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

~You Never Know What Would Happen.~

haiz, i learnt my lesson today that its better to be a bit earlier sometimes. i had to go to school earlier today to settle the part a's admin stuff. guess what? we didnt finish it. haiz, if not for our asm, we would never finish by today la. special thanks to him =)

geog lesson was just very enriching today( no sarcasm here). is like e.g > p.s.c. is like after a year with p.s.c, i learnt to study on my own. with e.g, i learnt EVERYTHING. cool eh?

after school suppose to have e.h extra lesson. i pon it, thinking da wei did the same thing. and i was like OMG, HE WENT!!!!! never know what would happen sometimes huh? played basketball during that period of time. then, some stupid pri school kid go and steal keefe's hp and dawei's wallet. we go "investigate" and question them about it. they keep denying and one of the boy eat curry puff in front of us, then fold arms like stamford raffles and say" ya then?" everybody wanted to bash him la, but no one did =/ in the end, we found keefe's hp in the bush in pieces. however, da wei's wallet never came back. haiz~ kids nowadays. after that, we talk abit then went home.

on the way home, kun liang received a phone call from some scammer with a china ascent. she said she wanted kun liang's address for some weird dinner. lol? we were like laughing throughout. talked a little about basketball and shine's language: Burmese. seriously, no offence, it sounded like spouting nonsense.

haiz, reached home and immediately thought of the homework i had. so currently chionging them now.

thats all folks~
see ya!~

I'm still breathing;
5:54 PM

Monday, February 16, 2009
16/02/2009 - Monday

~Monday Blues~
ya ok... i know, i started blogging again. some people must be like OMFG!!!! Ya, ok...

haiz, as usual my class got PUMP by j.teo for class cleanliness.... when will we ever learn? =/ got back to class 15 mins late and e.h wasn't too happy about it. dragged our P.E for 10mins. Then came history. I realised d.t has never released us on time b4. " class, can you give me 2 mins, just 2 mins to finish this?" in the end, his 2 mins STRETCH until 10mins. Sohai.

I realised I am not revising enough!!! and for that, I got 6 physics test papers from a.w
~T.T how to finish???? ~

play basketball again today, full court game leh, not bad hor? didn't do that badly as I expected ^.^ then, it RAINED. like SO F~ING hot in the morning? NOW THEN RAIN????
@*^%#@&*# went home with Shine drenched like siao......

~Chionging Homework & Mugging~

thats all,
See ya! ~

I'm still breathing;
8:39 PM

Welcome To My Life.
Greenwoodian of 1I and 2A to 6A ' 00-05.
I was a CHS 'gentleman' of 1-4,2-4,3-9 and 4-9' 06-09.
I am now a HC-ian of 10S74 and OG34.
I am in HC Floorball <3 .

Being Direct.
The Great Escape.
10S74 [HC]
Azilah [HC]
Cynthia [GWP]
Desmond Chan [CHS]
Hoi Yan [HC]
Hui Ern [GWP]
Jane [HC]
Jing Hui [GWP&HC]
Jonathan Voon [HC]
Joven [HC]
Jun Rong [CHS]
Justin Ong [HC]
Ngiap Seng [CHS&HC]
Roy Goh [CHS]
Wei Jie [CHS]
Yong Liang[CHS&HC]
Yuh Chyi [HC]
Zi Yan [HC]

Thanks For The Memories.
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
July 2011
August 2011
September 2011
October 2011
November 2011
February 2012
March 2012
January 2013
March 2013
June 2013

Famous Last Words.
layout by bitterswt
others; * * * *